A week b4 the contest, we decided to develop and shoot this short in 5 days but wasn't fully edited until 6 months later by my friend, Roxx'ster.
I had so much help from a few crucial people on this project, and I couldn't have finished it without them.
Paris Wang and I spent $400 on this short, and we always try to go way looooow on the budget.
It was fun to make for the myspace contest but stressful when we couldn't even upload it. I won't be entering anymore short film contests after the 2 that I've done already. I'll probably film romantic angst or cheez or suspense stories or sandwich it all together
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpY9aagRSdA . . . . . ;0)
Story is about finding love under unexpected and dire circumstances.
Love is, after all, the most powerful thing on earth!!!
Hollywood stinks sometimes when you're around it, but if you come out for air, you can be twice as strong. My blind optimism hopefully is moving toward fearles