Official Artist
Sommer Nguyen
Casting Director , Producer , Locations Manager
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While you work, you want to get away sometimes. . . . .

Hi all,

Despite the horrendous disasters in the Phillipines and Indonesia, etc., I was the typical human that was saddened by the news, but went on with my life.  I love to reward myself for my efforts and actions.  You never know if you're the next disaster statistic.

Over the weekend, I went to a U2/MUSE concertt in another state, N.C.   Flew red eye and slept all day at the hotel, then flew out the next morning @ 6am.  The show itself was a struggle because all the taxis were taken due to the concert.  When we left after the 1st encore performance, we decided to eat at the nearby restaurant.  When we left, there was a traffic lockdown and people were swarming everywhere looking for taxis. OMG, we had to chase after those taxis. Kind of amusing if it wasn't so cold due to my state of undress.- - wore a strapless cotton dress . . . .=)

I have pictures of the awesome concert and a few of my "office" at work for the Jay Roach proj.

Yes, that is a faux Ram for the shoot, which starts in a week!

hugs and kisses to all! Stay safe during the typhoon season please.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
Photo 23398
Shot this all mostly with an IPhone, don't recommend it if you actually want good shots. . . .
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, crazy!
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
looks like something out of Halo 3!
over 15 years ago
Photo 23398
elle, my friend! I don't even buy a t-shirt. My friends told me to ck ebay for the U2 shirts. Btw, I was sitting on his lap, so he thinks ppl will see he's short but he's actually 6'2". Nice guy. =D. Patrick, you've probably seen a million U2 shows. ETchy, halo 3 ? do they have U2 music?
over 15 years ago
Photo 37580
Hehe fun stuff. The tsunami was sad, I donated what little I could wish I could have done more. Art directing for films anything like art directing for an internet company? Maybe I should look into it since that was my last full time job heh.
over 15 years ago


Hollywood stinks sometimes when you're around it, but if you come out for air, you can be twice as strong. My blind optimism hopefully is moving toward fearles

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english, vietnamese
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Member Since
April 23, 2007