Official Artist
Stefan Morawietz
Actor , Stuntperson , Sports Coach
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Yeah, I know... I haven't posted anything here in a long time. This is because nothing of great interest (at least to you guys out there, I guess) has happened in my life... in terms of my stunt career and all related topics. I got hit by a couple of exciting events in my private life, but that's another story and... well, private .

This career stagnation is due to a number of things. In Germany, we're dealing with a general depression in film business at present, which - naturally - affects the stunt industry, as well. In numbers, more than 70 movie projects scheduled for the upcoming year got canceled, owing to severe cuts in the government-funded promotion of the German film arts.

We're not in Hollywood, for sure. Of course, this situation sucks big time, and the majority of the German stunt people are sitting around on their butts, twiddling their thumbs. 

The few guys that work in live stunt shows or on ongoing TV shows are a bit better off, but these jobs are scarce and competition is getting stiffer.

As a consequence, I'm planning on going back to Asia as soon as possible. The job situation in the flickers has always been much better for me over there. Hope dies last.

Whatever... I'm focusing on my training right now, still trying to improve my humble Wushu skills, and in this connection I've worked with Lara-Katrin Michalzik, an equestrian and horse trainer from Berlin. She's also into Wushu and martial arts and she invited me to a photo session a couple of weeks ago. And by the way... she's completely nuts

Anyway, I'm pleased to present you with the result of that shooting.

I hope you'll like it.



over 15 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
very nice~~~
over 15 years ago
Photo 45507
so when u coming to hk again? beer!!! haha WILL.C.
over 15 years ago
Photo 37095
over 15 years ago
Photo 74817
Amazing picture! The colors are great!!!
over 15 years ago
nice !!!
over 15 years ago
Photo 319485
Very cool shots!
over 15 years ago
Photo 38281
wow these look great!
over 15 years ago


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January 10, 2008