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Spotlight on Jennifer Lee of C'est Cupcake

Featured Member: Jennifer Lee of C'est Cupcake

Today we spotlight Jennifer Lee, the proud owner of "C'est Cupcake" a cupcakery prominently featured in our Dessert/Bakeries category of the Privy 5 Shanghai City Guide.

Though Chinese cuisine has never been big on desserts, Shanghai is experiencing a dessert renaissance that is getting its legs from this boutique bakery that specializes in some of the most intricate and well-crafted couture cupcakes you'll ever find. These delightful delicacies also happen to be the product of the dedication and talent of owner and head chef Jennifer Lee. As a cupcake entrepreneur in Shanghai, Jennifer has quite the story to tell and we sat down with her to discuss a range of topics including how she came into her unique profession and what's on the horizon for C'est Cupcake.

To read the entire interview click here

To view Jennifer's cupcake designs visit the C'est Cupcake listing View photos

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