Sum-Sum Tse
平面设计师, 插画家
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Long overdue!

Dear Lovely Visitors,

Apologies! This blog is long overdue! This is actually my first blog ever which is why I must have been so reticent to write one!

Pixelpunks has been up and running since May this year and I must say despite all the hardships that go with a startup 'business', I've loved every minute being my own boss. (Suffice to say, I still don't have a winning formula as to how to run a successful one!) Perhaps it will always be the curse of the creative to be rubbish at business! Any tips anyone? I guess the most important thing is ... I get to do what I love to do at least 80% of the time!

"Nothing is ever the same as they said it was. "

Diane Arbus

I love that quote by Diane Arbus. It completely sums up the way I approach creating work.  Basically that our experiences and perceptions are based on our own and other people's nostalgia which pretty much gives us license to rewrite and reinterpret what has gone before.  I love trawling the net, visiting exhibitions and museums looking for ideas and I suppose in the end it's all about the image. For me, results and realisations could be any medium. I'm constantly trying to develop and find my own style and voice which is probably why visitors may wonder whether it's actually the same person who has done this work. I suppose stylistically,  I'm naturally drawn to the fantastic, surreal and gothic and of course fairytales. I'm interested in ideas about parallel universes and other worlds but that's not to say I have my head in the clouds either! I'm inspired by extraordinary places and people too. This is probably why a lot of my work contains lots of collage elements. Of course I would like to make some moving image pieces one day, but till then I am happy to play with still media for a while.

It's been a real eye-opener to visit some of you fellow members and artists on Alive not Dead. Many thanks to those of you who have taken the time to have a look at my stuff. I promise to update from time to time.

16 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares
Photo 33427
Hey Sum - good to see you out (albeit in passing) last night! Get a good book-keeper / accountant. Might seem like an extra expensive (especially for a small operation) but having someone go thru that shoe-box full of receipts every 2 weeks and offset them against incoming cheques can really save you a stack in taxes. Lots of young (full time) accountants will moonlight. Money aside: Fan of the work - as always :)
16 年多 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
April 28, 2008