Hi all,
Missed ATV Music show last night? Wanna watch it online? Heehee ... ATV has uploaded part of the program on YouTube, and you can watch my part singing "Today I don't come back home 今天不回家". The theme of this chapter is "Golden Oldies at Lounge in 60's and 70's." (Remark from me: Hey, I can sing those songs in 60's and 70's ... but it doesn't mean that I was .... that O-L-D ... haha!!)
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JMEUqafEFU Enjoy the show and my assistant will help me to upload more of my parts in the TV show later and share the videos with you.
來自音樂世家的蘇姍,其母親是五、六十年代歌星,自小受音樂薰陶,培養了她對音樂的興趣和熱愛。 蘇姍年少時期已在不同地方表演,其後參加無線電視主辦的『全港酒廊歌手大賽』,並獲得冠軍。 蘇姍擅長演繹中外金曲,歌藝精湛,並展現個人風格。2008年,於香港大會堂舉行了<今宵請你留演唱會>。 翌年再於香港文化中心