It's been quite a while since I wrote last time here. Been very busy with all the charity work with the relief of Sichuan earthquake. It's really a heartache for me when I watched the video on TV or read the news from newspaper. I tried my best to do what I can do for them.
Remember I did mention a lovely interview that I did with Zoho? Perhaps you have already checked it out on his blog. Just a friendly reminder, you can listen it A-G-A-I-N via the following link:
My part is on May 19 and 23! Enjoy listening!!!
This is one of the happiest interview I did and we did chat so many funny stuff!
Hope all of you like it!
來自音樂世家的蘇姍,其母親是五、六十年代歌星,自小受音樂薰陶,培養了她對音樂的興趣和熱愛。 蘇姍年少時期已在不同地方表演,其後參加無線電視主辦的『全港酒廊歌手大賽』,並獲得冠軍。 蘇姍擅長演繹中外金曲,歌藝精湛,並展現個人風格。2008年,於香港大會堂舉行了<今宵請你留演唱會>。 翌年再於香港文化中心