Cheung Tak Ho has been a major creative force in and behind the asian entertainment scene. He is first and foremost passion about being an artist,but he is also well known as an artistic and accomplished musician and producer.Upon completing at The Music Institute of Los Angeles California. He returned to Hong Kong to become an actor. He has been immersed in movie acting,song writing, movie theme scoring, commercial art direction and song production.
在香港出生及接受教育的張德豪,14歲時赴澳洲升學,主修市場系及後往美國進修音樂系,2001年學成回港便替電影及廣告唱作主題曲及配樂,同年亦被黃百鳴及高志森賞識,被邀參予電影及舞台劇作幕前演出。亦於該年與任達華夫婦結緣,替其首張推出的個人專輯擔任型像及美術指導, “張德豪 X-large” 首張個人唱作專輯隨即面世
已推出單曲 Released Single
2007年11月 November 2007:
“走遍世界”Single + MTV “死裡逃生”Single + MTV “冒險樂園” Single
已推出專輯 Released Albums.
2001年8月 August 2001:
張德豪 X-large
所獲獎項 Awards.
香港作曲家及作詞家協會C.A.S.H 第十五屆流行曲創作大賽銅獎 香港作曲家及作詞家協會C.A.S.H 第十五屆流行曲創作大賽最佳演釋歌手
Languages Spoken | English,Cantonese,Mandarin |
Location | Hong Kong |
Gender | Male |
English Name | Tak Ho Cheung |
Traditional Chinese Name | 張德豪 |
Member Since | August 3, 2007 |
Simplified Chinese Name | 张德豪 |
Fans | 38 |
Profile Views | 122,819 |