Hey Everyone,
I am back once again from a rather long absence. It feels very strange because I actually feel I have a lot to say, but have not really talked to you all about what I have been doing. I think I am ready to start now. As you all know I have been working on the new alivenotdead.com. We have been working very hard to build the new site and we should now be able to have a soft launch for the new site end of March. So it’s only a few weeks away! I know I said this was going to happen sooner, but as with anything, there are bound to be delays and unexpected occurrences. I am very happy that we are finally at this point because the new website has been a direction I have been pushing towards for over a year and a half. It’s nice to be able to see this through! I will be talking more about what the new site is going to be like and why we worked so hard to build the new site in the coming weeks.
What have I been up to lately? Pretty much everyday I have been working with the website team on all issues related to the re-launch. Shot a short film with some friends over the past couple weeks as well. The 2nd of 4 sponsored videos we are shooting for Cruiser. I will talk more about that later. In the meantime, I have been very well and working very hard!
Talk to you all later!
我又有 很久没跟你们在Blog聊天了,感觉有点奇怪。 其实我有很多东西想跟你们说,我想不如就从现在开始吧。
大家都知道我最近为新的网站忙极了,我们很努力的在营造新的网站,大约会在三月底, 你们可以看得到这个成绩。
还剩几个礼拜了,我知道我以前说过很快就会完成,没想到真的会有些突然发生的事, 而令它不能如期完成。 虽然晚了,但我还是很开心,因为这个新的网站,内容的改变,一直是我在追寻的目标。 在这几个礼拜,我会跟大家说这个新网站会有些什么新的内容,以及我们做这个网站的原因。
最近的我,每天都在忙于新网站的工作。 前两个星期,我还跟一些朋友拍了部短片,这短片, 是我们为Cruiser拍的第二部了﹔过些日子我再跟你说说拍摄经过。 我最近心情很好,也非常努力。