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Britney Spears: Meltdown Queen Or PR Genius? | Britney Spears:徹底崩潰的女王還是炒作天才?

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb-B2QcsMvY Is Britney Spears for real?  I read about her performance at the MTV Video Awards through one of the news feeds I subscribe to and then went to YouTube to watch the video.  She did do a pretty bad job it seems and does not look like she has put in enough work to make her "comeback"  a serious one. 

The reason I want to blog about this is because I feel there could be a greater conspiracy here.  Question:  Would Britney have generated as much press coverage from her performance if she did a great performance instead, something that we are all accustomed to expect from her reputation as a great stage performance?  Or would we pay more attention to her by seemingly witnessing a catastrophic public meltdown? 

The evidence suggests that though the news reports of her performance are wildly negative, viewership of the fledging MTV Video Awards rose 21 percent compared to last year.  The news feeds I read have been blanketed by coverage of this "debacle."   Kanye West stirred headlines by claiming the MTV has taken advantage of Britney by booking her for the performance when they knew she was not ready to perform.  All the while, her new single, "Gimmie More" is rapidly climbing the singles charts in the States and is such a "hot item" when it was released exclusively on MTV's website for download, it reportedly crashed MTV's servers as it was overwhelmed by download requests. 

This event is just one of the things that often make me question the role of media and how celebrity status is created and maintained in our generation.   Could it be possible that as long as you have a powerful PR machine working for you to manipulate the media and maximize self-promotion, the work or the product that you create, the music, films, etc are secondary?

I don't have the answer but if I come out with an interesting theory I will share it with everyone!

| 這真的是Britney Spears?我從訂閱的新聞中了解到她在MTV音樂頒獎典禮上有演出,然後去YouTube找來視頻。她跳得不好,看來沒有為”復出”做足功課。


證據表明,雖然關於她這場表演的最新報導全都是負面的,但收看MTV音樂頒獎典禮的觀眾比去年劇增了21%。我收到的相關新聞裏通篇充斥著”崩潰”這個詞。Kanye West用新聞大標題指出,MTV得知Britney沒做好演出準備,利用這點故意找她表演。同時,她的新單曲"Gimmie More"則迅速爬上了美國單曲排行榜。這個演出片段因為只能從MTV官方網站下載而變得”炙手可熱”。據報導,該片段的下載流量已經沖垮了MTV網站服務器。



 | 这真的是Britney Spears?我从订阅的新闻中了解到她在MTV音乐颁奖典礼上有演出,然后去YouTube找来视频。她跳得不好,看来没有为”复出”做足功课。


证据表明,虽然关于她这场表演的最新报导全都是负面的,但收看MTV音乐颁奖典礼的观众比去年剧增了21%。我收到的相关新闻里通篇充斥着”崩溃”这个词。Kanye West用新闻大标题指出,MTV得知Britney没做好演出准备,利用这点故意找她表演。同时,她的新单曲"Gimmie More"则迅速爬上了美国单曲排行榜。这个演出片段因为只能从MTV官方网站下载而变得”炙手可热”。据报导,该片段的下载流量已经冲垮了MTV网站服务器。这是我对媒体扮演的角色,以及这个时代如何建立和维护公众形象常产生质疑的事件之一。是否拥有强有力的公关机器为你应付媒体、进行个人炒作,你的创作譬如音乐、电影等就沦为了配角?我还没有得出答案,一旦有什么有趣的想法,我会跟大家分享!

17 年多 前 0 赞s  56 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
Interesting on how your mind works...dun take things at face value. Guess u must be the main brainchild behind the Heavenly Kings faux on the media
17 年多 ago



Hong Kong
December 15, 2006