I was in Shanghai for a meeting a couple of weeks ago and had the chance after to go to the Shanghai Art Exhibition Joanne Ooi was talking about in her blog!
Some things that caught my attention:
| 幾周前我在上海參加一個會,從Joanne Ooi的博客得知這個展覽,會後就去看了。我感興趣的一些作品:
| 几周前我在上海参加一个会,从Joanne Ooi的博客得知这个展览,会后就去看了。我感兴趣的一些作品:
Can't help not to notice these goof balls! They remind me of "Mad Balls," those rubber balls made into goofy faces and characters when I was a kid.
| 引人註意的鬼臉球!讓我想起了小時侯玩的做成鬼臉和人物形象的橡膠”躲避球”。 | 引人注意的鬼脸球!让我想起了小时侯玩的做成鬼脸和人物形象的橡胶”躲避球”。
By Nam Jun Paik. 21st century scare-crow?
| Nam Jun Paik作品。21世紀的稻草人?| Nam Jun Paik作品。21世纪的稻草人?
By Davide Bramante. Now that's a groovy view of the big city!
| Davide Bramante作品。觀察大都市的另類視角!
| Davide Bramante作品。观察大都市的另类视角!
By Sandy Skoglund. I wonder if dogs can watch and understand T.V. My ex-dog, when I had a dog in high school used to bark at the T.V when she heard dogs barking on T.V. Hmmmm . . .
| Sandy Skoglund作品。我在想狗是否真的看得懂電視,高中時我的狗一聽到電視裏有狗叫聲就開始對著電視吠。恩…
| Sandy Skoglund作品。我在想狗是否真的看得懂电视,高中时我的狗一听到电视里有狗叫声就开始对着电视吠。恩…
By An Xiao Tong.
The exhibition had a great collection of art from China as well as the rest of the world! I had fun and hope to see more of these exhibitions in H.K and China!
| An Xiao Tong作品。
|An Xiao Tong作品。