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We Are Working To Get More Content To You!

Just got back from Taiwan and am now hard at work in H.K. We had a wonderful concert and a fabulous time in Taipei. Today we began shooting 2 music specials for Channel V. Music Fantasy is what they call it and the specials will feature 2 of our new songs. We will let you know when the songs and the specials will be released when we know.

Over the last couple weeks, we have done more than a few events in H.K and Taipei to promote Alive and alivenotdead.com. We have accumulated quite a bit of photos and video, but because we have been working almost everyday, we have not had the chance to organize the content to post onto the site. I just want to let everyone know that you will be begin to see some new photos and videos on alivenotdead.com this week. We have photos from our 1st press conference, video from our 1st concert in H.K, and we will also be doing a feature on a local punk/rock band in H.K named Hardpack, which includes music, photos, and video. In the coming weeks you will be seeing more new videos and photos from our various events and from our friends, as well as new songs and MV's from Alive. Thanks for your patience up to this point. I hope you enjoy the new content we will post this week. We will do our best to catch up with our schedules and post new content regularly on this site from this point on.

Take care all!


才從台灣回來,就已經努力的在香港辛苦工作。我們在台灣,不但完成了一個很棒的音樂會,還度過了一段很美妙的時光。從今天起,我們又要為Channel V拍兩個特輯,他們稱之為Music Fantasy,裏面包含了我們的兩個新歌。我們一知道了新歌和特輯的發佈時間,就會告訴你。

在過去的那幾個禮拜,我們為Alive和alivenotdead.com在香港和台灣做了好多宣傳工作,我們儲存了一些相片和錄像,由於我們每天都有很多工作要做,所以就得過幾天才能把它們加進去給你們看。我要告訴你們的是:你們這個禮拜在alivenotdead.com,將會看到許多新的相片和錄影 ﹔我們有第一次新聞發佈會的圖相和第一次在香港演唱時的錄影,還有,我們會做一個香港本地叫「Hardpack」的punk/rock樂隊的特輯:包括音樂、相片和錄像。未來的幾個星期,你還會看到更多來自網友和朋友的新錄像和相片,當然更有Alive的新歌和MVs。謝謝你們的關注,我希望你會喜歡我們在這個星期加入的新內容。我們會儘量抓緊時間,定期地將新內容加添進去。




[自 动翻译谷歌翻译 ]

才从台湾回来,就已经努力的在香港辛苦工作。 我们在台湾,不但完成了一个很棒的音乐会,还度过了一段很美妙的时光。 从今天起,我们又要为 Channel V拍两个特辑, 他们称之为Music Fantasy,里面包含了我们的两个新歌。 我们一知道了新歌和特辑的发布时间,就会告诉你。 在过去的那几个礼拜, 我们为Alive和alivenotdead.com在香港和台湾做了好多宣传工作, 我们储存了一些相片和录像,由于我们每天都有很多工作要做, 所以就得过几天才能把它们加进去给你们看。 我要告诉你们的是:你们这个礼拜在alivenotdead.com, 将会看到许多新的相片和录影 ﹔ 我们有第一次新闻发布会的图相和第一次在香港演唱时的录影,还有, 我们会做一个香港本地叫「Hardpack」的punk/rock乐队的特辑: 包括音乐、相片和录像。 未来的几个星期,你还会看到更多来自网友和朋友的新录象和相片, 当然更有Alive的新歌和MVs。 谢谢你们的关注,我希望你会喜欢我们在这个星期加入的新内容。 我们会尽量抓紧时间,定期地将新内容加添进去。



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Hong Kong
December 15, 2006