yes, miss scarlett....i agree...I just got back from my new place. I'll be in there by the weekend. I started living on my own since I was 16. From 22 to 27, I moved into the comfort of my mom's when I moved back to Singapore to serve the military and suddenly have my music career thrown into a bitter sweet rotation. For the last two years, I've been living out of studio apartments that are great and awesome for creativity but it did not make a home. One of my goals this year was to put myself in a home..that was mine...i found that spot....the dove it was a sign from the universe reminding me of my humility, miss scarlett left me a reminder:beauty of a piece of music is not in its technique but in the Soul of its creator;nor is it in the sound vibrations of the piece but in the silence of the Light from which the sound springs - walter russelllove and light...tye
take a picture, snap....