From the creators of Super Mario,From the land where you are not allowed to smoke while walking on the street,From the makers of Toyota and Anime sex toys,From the birthplace of Henry Suyama,and the country that brought you half of Skot Suyama...or at least his surname,From the culture that blur out private parts in their pornography,From the city where school girls on the street are often girls on the street,From the people who COULD have created Mickey Mouse,From the inventors of the toilet anus hole sprayand the folks that made Pearl Harbor famous...comes the sequel to Finding Namie Amuro 2008, comes the most anticipated sequel of the year.....HERRO, SAYAKAIn Japan for almost a month find out more about what Chiau Chung Shiau's grandson, Terence Wing Tye Leong is doing in this space...
take a picture, snap....