Official Artist
tessar lo
Animal Trainer/Handler , Painter , Author
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fecal face it!

yesterday was dope. i met up with beau and christine from project and headed over to 1988 gallery where we checked out a show by freddi c. and j. shea. it was in a very nice space and the work did not fail to impress:

afterwards, we headed over to 111 minna for the fecal face show, where we proceeded to have some beer and shoot the shit. it was rammed, but luckily the three of us got to pass through since i was a part of the show.
vip, ooh. there, i met some real cool people, including monte and kelly from lowbrow gallery in santa cruz, mars-1, jeremy fish, henry lewis, ferris plock again and freddi c. again. i searched long and hard to find john trippe, but to no avail:

sorry for all the links, you'll thank me when you click them though.

what more could i have asked for from my first "pro" group show? thank you, fecal face.


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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