Hello members,
let me tell you about my last 4 days.
Ok, on Thursday Max Huang (AnD member) and me was driving to Berlin for a shooting and a Show.
After we arrived by Ismet (wudang-deutschland.de) we met our bro Muhammed there. This evening we don´t do a lot of stuff because we know next day is going to be stressful. Day start´s at 7 I think and the shhoting was a Nollywood Production. (More Info you can find on the Blog of David Török And member). We did a little performance there with Wushu. It was a nice job with nice people. A lot of fun. But the problem was the shooting take too much time and we need to be on the other site of the town fort he Wushu show.
We only had 15 minutes and no plan which way we can take to go there and it took you at last 40 minutes to get there. The other problem was that four people have to drive with Max´s car but it was full of Requisite stuff from a other movie. But we manage it. We sit there beetwen the Lights, Televisions and so on and Hui was the only one who´s was prepared for the Show because we changed our clothes after the shooting. Good Idea! I called David because he drives with a other car and he told me:"No time for warm up! Strech in the car!!!!" Ähhhh.... Ok we try but... you know :-)
After we arrived there (half hour to late) we have to carry our stuff and run! It took us 5 minutes to reach the theatre and we run the whole time! No condition more for the Show! Next problem. Max forgot his Pudao in the car and that means ok Max do Nanquan for the Pudao part and my Nanquan part was changed to Liu Xing Chui! I don´t prepare a part fort he Show that´s why I extemporise my whole LXC part. I was scared a little bit because I hit my Head very hard few day ago. (Watch last diary) But we did it and after that we was invide to lunch! Great lunch.
In the evening we watched The Champions together. Just chill...:-) Some crazy guys did a night training session after the movie! I only make some pictures:
(These are the three candles! Picture with high exposure time! Throw it with a twisting movement! Like it?)
Start at 9.30, was a long day that´s why pretty late. First we need to by Wushu stuff! We only have one shop I know for Wushustuff here in Germany. That´s why it was so important because I need a new Nangun! Of course I by other stuff too. Ok nnow we have to drive back to Nuremberg. But we make a Stopp by a Good friend Mike in Lobenstein too met there Oliver who want to support my Wushu Show in Nuremberg. After a little sit in with Mike we left Max´s car there and drove to Nuremberg. At there wem et my other bro Tobi. We four want to Rock Nuremberg with Wushu. We tried the show and it works pretty good. In the evening it began to rain and we have a wooden ground. Butt he Show was good and everyone like it very much. Know we want to meet my brother for Harry Potter! I want to see if some people I know from Germany was in the credits and of cours I like these movies very much! But as you know no time that´s why we have to ran there. We did it just in time. The movie start and I see that I wear my kneepad´s. Hahaha... no time get them away. This day ends at 3.30 in the morning!
On Sunday Max, Oli, Desiree and me was driving back to Chemnitz for a Independent Movie Project. Need to be there at 12.00 that´s why we stand up at 8.00. This day was ok. We have to do a little Zombie stuff like look bad or break my foot. Was a nice time in Chemnitz. Shoot was not so long that´s why we (Max and me) leave at 17.00. And then we drive right into a big traffic jam. It took us one hour more to get home!
After at least 1.300 km these day ends!
It sound very stressful and it was but I like these time more because you can see something is moving!
I love it to take those kind of pics!!!
I forgot too book a flight too England! This week I do!
See you next week!