Thomas Lim
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Portuguese newspapers 'Jornal Tribuna De Macau' reports on Roulette City

5 Feb 2013. Macau Portuguese newspapers 'Jornal Tribuna de Macau' reports on Roulette City's broadcast on Macau Cable TV during the upcoming Chinese New Year holidays.2月5日,澳门葡文报纸 'Jornal Tribuna de Macau' 刊登了《轮盘》这农历年假日即将在澳门有线电视播放的消息。

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Interview for Macau Cable TV's airing of Roulette City

The film's cast and crew interviews for Macau Cable TV's broadcast of "Roulette City" as a Chinese New Year film in Feb 2013.


2013年澳門有線電視的農曆年賀歲片《輪盤》導演,演員及工作人員的訪問。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR2pBs6xX4s

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LIANHE ZAOBAO reports on Thomas Lim's relocation to Japan

Singapore Chinese newspapers 'Lianhe Zaobao' will publish an article about 'Roulette City' tomorrow (6 Jan). Happy birthday mom. I hope you'll like this birthday present.


シンガポール中国語新聞 "联合早报"に明日(1月6日)「ルーレットシティ」に関する記事が掲載されます。母へ、誕生日おめでとう。誕生日プレゼント、気に入ってもらえるとうれしいです。 

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A great Christmas gift

A great Christmas gift: Just got news that 'Roulette City' will air on Macau Cable TV as a Chinese New Year movie, in 2013.一个很不错的圣诞礼物:刚收到消息说我首部执导的电影《轮盘》被澳门有线电视台选为2013年的农历年贺年片。

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Poster arrived in Japan

Many thanks to the distributors in Singapore for mailing to our Japan office an actual poster of Roulette City that was used for the Singapore release.



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Singapore over. Macau next.

Roulette City Singapore screenings ended last night. Next stop - Macau. 昨晩ルーレットシティのシンガポールでの上映は終了しました。次 はマカオです。 「轮盘」新加坡放映完毕。下一站 - 澳门。

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ROULETTE CITY poster at GV Grand, Singapore

The poster of 'Roulette City' at GV Grand, Singapore. Please pardon the reflection of the popcorn stalls.

シンガポールGV Grandでの「ルーレットシティ」のポスター。Golden Villageはシンガポール最大の映画館の一つである。

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ROULETTE CITY Singapore 'GV Grand' screenings ticket-site

'Roulette City' begins screening at "Golden Village Grand Great World" in Singapore, on 14 November. Tickets and screening times at this link.http://www.gv.com.sg/moviedetails/gvmoviedetails10085.jsp「ルーレットシティ」は11月14日シンガポールの GOLDEN VILLAGE GRAND GREAT WORLD にて上映開始されます。チケットと上映時間の詳細についてはこちらのリンクを参照下さい。Read more

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Thomas Lim introduces his debut feature film 'ROULETTE CITY'

As requested by the cinema distributors in Singapore, we put together a quick interview with Thomas Lim introducing his debut feature film 'Roulette City'.

'Roulette City' will screen at Golden Village Grand Great World, in Singapore from 14th November 2012.

シンガポールの映画配給者からの要望により、トーマス・リムの長編映画デビュー作「ルーレットシティ」紹介に関する短いインタビューをしました。「ルーレットシティ」は2012年11月14日よりシンガポールのGV Grandにて上映予定です。http://www.youtube....Read more

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Next stop for 'Roulette City', Singapore


Roulette City's multi-city cinema run in Japan ends tonight. Next stop, Singapore in November. Here's a 30-second trailer.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0dVtHAAyNw

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Born in Singapore. Lives in Tokyo and Los Angeles. Prominent filmmaker in the Macao film industry.


english, cantonese, mandarin
Tokyo, Japan
June 3, 2007