Official Artist
Thomas Lim
Actor , Director
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ROULETTE CITY opens in KYOTO on 1 Sept

'Roulette City' opens in Kyoto on 1 Sept (this Saturday). It screens at T-JOY KYOTO, a major downtown cinema next to Kyoto Station. 



http://t-joy.net/site/kyoto/schedule/index.php?d=120901----------Read more

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ROULETTE CITY opens in Osaka and Yokohama (Japan)

‎'Roulette City' opens in Osaka and Yokohama on 25 August (this Saturday). It screens at the YOKOHAMA BURG13 and UMEDA BURG7: both major cinemas in the downtown areas of their respective cities.

Yokohama Burg13:

http://burg13.com/schedule/index.php?d=120825 (Osaka) Umeda Burg7:

http://burg7.com/schedule/index.php?d=120825 For sho...Read more

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Links to ROULETTE CITY's cinema release in Japan.

Thomas Lim's directorial debut feature film 'Roulette City' opens on 11 Aug at downtown Tokyo 'Shinjuku WALD9' cinema. Click on this link to reserve your tickets. http://wald9.com/schedule/index.php
'Roulette City' will also screen in other major Japanese cities such as Osaka, Kyoto, Yokohama and Fukuoka between 11 August and 14 September 2012.  Read more

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MSN Japan reports on ROULETTE CITY's nationwide cinema release in Japan

SN JAPAN ー明日8月11日公開される「ルーレットシティ」について取材してくださいました。ご興味ある方は是非下記URLにて。http://topics.jp.msn.com/entertainment/general/article.aspx?articleid=127486910 August 2012: MSN JAPAN reports on ROULETTE CITY's nationwide cinema release in Japan beginning tomorrow (11 August). Please click on this link to read the article. Read more

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NIKKAN SAIZO reports on ROULETTE CITY's nationwide cinema release in Japan

ネットマガジン日刊サイゾー明日8月11日公開される「ルーレットシティ」について取材してくださいました。ご興味ある方は是非下記URLにて。http://www.cyzo.com/2012/08/post_11182.html  10 August 2012: Japan's popular Internet magazine NIKKAN SAIZO reports on ROULETTE CITY's nationwide cinema release in Japan beginning tomorrow (11 August). Please click on this link to read the article. http://www.cyzo....Read more

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Thomas Lim appears in T-Joy's Internet interview to promote ROULETTE CITY in Japan

2012年8月10日:本日21:30にWebにて映画「ルーレットシティ」の宣伝インタービューをさせて頂きます。是非下記URLにてご覧になってください。http://www.ustream.tv/channel/starstage/10 August 2012: Thomas Lim will be featured in an Internet interview tonight (at 21:30) about ROULETTE CITY's cinema release in Japan, at this link. Please tune in.http://www.ustream.tv/channel/starstage/

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THE MACAU POST DAILY reports on ROULETTE CITY's cinema release in Japan

10 August 2012: Macau English newspaper THE MACAU POST DAILY reports on the nationwide cinema release of ROULETTE CITY in Japan. 2012年8月10日: 澳門英語報紙The Macau Post Daily 刊登了關於電影《輪盤》在日本全國上映的報導。2012年8月10日: マカオの英字新聞マカオポストデイリーがルーレットシティの日本全国での上映に関する記事を掲載。 

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Singapore Chinese newspapers LIANHE ZAOHAO interviews Thomas Lim on the release of ROULETTE CITY in Japan

On 9 August 2012, Singapore Chinese newspaper LIANHE ZAOBAO's Tokyo correspondent interviewed Thomas Lim in Akasaka (Tokyo) about Roulette City's cinema release in Japan starting this Saturday. Happy National Day Singapore!

2012年8月9日、シンガポールの中国語新聞、  联合早报の特派員が東京の赤坂で今週土曜日から上映開始されるルーレットシティについてトーマス ・リムにインタビューをしました。祝シンガポール独立記念日!

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Singapore Chinese radio 100.3FM interviews Thomas Lim

At 9am on 31 July 2012, Singapore Chinese radio station 100.3FM interviewed Thomas Lim on his first feature film 'Roulette City's nationwide cinema release in Japan. 2012年7月31日午前9時、シンガポール中国語ラジオ局 100.3FMがトーマスリムの初長編映画「ルーレットシティ」の日本各地の映画館での上映に関してインタビューを行いました。在2012年7月31日上午9點,新加坡中文電台100.3FM訪問了林毅煒關於電影《輪盤》在日本全國上映的消息。

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RADIO MACAU PORTUGUESE reports on ROULETTE CITY's cinema release in Japan

On 1 Aug 2012, Radio Macau Portuguese (a Macau based Portuguese language radio station) reported on Roulette City's nationwide cinema release in Japan.在2012年8月1日,澳門葡文電台(Radio Macau Portuguese)報導了電影《輪盤》在日本全國上映的消息。2012年8月1日,ラジオ マカオ・ポルトガル(マカオのポルトガル語ラジオ局)がルーレットシティの日本の映画館での上映に関するニュースを伝えました。

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Born in Singapore. Lives in Tokyo and Los Angeles. Prominent filmmaker in the Macao film industry.

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Tokyo, Japan
Member Since
June 3, 2007