Official Artist
Tiffany Yong
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host , Dancer , Author
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LateNightRandomThoughts A friend shared how she prefers Instagram to FB as it's more positive, with happy photos. I thought otherwise... after all, I get to filter out what I want and don't want to see on FB.


ReminderToSelfAndAnyoneWhoNeedsThis Before lamenting what I don't have and what others have, perhaps it will be more productive to think of what I can do to achieve what others have. It's depressing to be comparing all the time. Take a step back, clear your head and ask yourself if what others have is what you want.

Sometimes, you never know what you have might be what others yearn to have but didn't have because you are too busy looking at other people's plate...

QOTD "... fruit of passive-aggressive people. These people resist demands by indirect tactics. They will not take responsibility for their own choices; instead, they turn around and blame someone else for making them do it. Or they will agree to do things that they don’t really want to do, and then gripe about the person behind her back."

  • Henry Cloud, Changes That Heal: How to Understand the Past to Ensure a Healthier Future
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