We were invited to perform in a dinner~
Due to the size of the room, Welton and Ken couldn't join us..
I miss them~~~
出門口前我仲著緊綠色裙﹐但係出門口那一刻﹐條裙帶爛左﹐加上我就黎遲到。。。我就唯有衝入房換左一件最斯文既裙~~~ 條裙太寨﹐本來有條RIBBON﹐不過唔見左﹐(所以表演從來都無著)跟住即刻找左一條頸鏈搭上面﹗ 但係我既飾物太亂既關係﹐翹埋晒一齊。。要幾個人幫手拆開先得﹗ 拆完之後我連照鏡既時間都無地衝落街喇!!
We need to perform in a SUPER SUPER QUIET MODE!
Actually I find it harder to sing quietly.. Gary and Derek had to play softly too! I guess it is our challenge...heheI quickily changed my outfit after the performance. Why? It is not because of the dress but the high heels! They are too tight for me! I bought them for my friend's wedding. Since I bought them in a hurry, I couldn't find a size 35. Instead, I bought size 34. Even though I was sitting down during the whole performance, the high heels squeezed my feet and my feet was swollen afterwards.
hello everyone! welcome to my blog! You can visit http://www.aboutabby.com for my performing schedule, photos, and music!! P.S. I might miss some of your