wong vanessa
歌手, 彩妆大师(MUA)
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詞 lyrics

如果你平時有留意開我寫既詞,你就會發現我每一次都係同Gary一齊寫嘅~~ 因為當我諗到唔知可以寫咩既時候,我就會叫gary幫手諗吓點寫,我會話畀佢聽我想寫咩内容,然後叫佢填充~~ 佢最拿手㗎喇!每一次都可以寫中我想要寫既嘢!仲好準確添! 所以我就好依賴佢幫我完成我既作品喇。久而久之就變成咗一個習慣。今次有一個朋友(唔係不眠)叫我幫手寫詞,所以我要自己寫,唔可以靠Gary喇今次!佢問我一個禮拜可唔可以完成,我話我平時要寫好耐先寫完一首歌㗎..因為我既習慣係聽好多次,feel吓,諗吓咩故事題材fit,跟住諗keywords,寫低落紙度,跟住打番入word,再慢慢諗咩段落咩故事,每一句係要咩意思,跟住先慢慢切啲句子出嚟...係呀,我係咁麻煩㗎,哈哈~~~如果好急趕就唔好等我喇!我唔想拖遅人哋既計劃!但係佢好好,佢話唔使急,慢慢,唔趕嘅~ 但係我梗係會想快啲完成啦!但係最近真係好忙,冇時間坐低慢慢聽。直至有一日可以坐低聽,我就開始我既習慣喇。後尾半夜三更我突然好多字湧出嚟(唔知喺邊度出嚟啲字,derek話呢啲就係我地成日叫既靈感囉!),我就打開電腦,打晒份詞出嚟喇。第二朝我就再細執,跟住就攪掂咗!第一次咁快~~ 我都嚇咗一跳,第一次唔使人幫呀!好有満足感,哈哈~~~ 今次呢個故事想寫好耐,但係一直未有機會寫,今次重要係由男人既角度寫,都係第一次!其實想喺度paste份詞,不過要問吓朋友既批准,始終都係佢隻歌吖麻!希望之後落嚟都可以寫快啲啦!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Actually if you have paid attention to my previous lyrics, you should know that I usually co-write with Gary! Sometimes when I got stuck , he would help me to finish up my lyrics. I'd tell him what I want for that particular sentence and he could finish for me quickily with exactly what I want ! He's very good at it ! Due to this fact, I always let him wrap up my lyrics ! I rely on him so much! This time, my friend (not from Sleepless) asked me to write the lyrics for his song.. so I have to do it on my own, all by myself this time!  He at first asked me how much time do I need to finish up a song, "Like a week or so?" .. I told him it took me forever to finish one song.. like a few months or so... I'd spend a lot of time listening to it and get the feel and think about the topic... then i'd jot down a few words that pops out from my mind on the paper. After that, I'll open a word document and start typing those words and start writing the lyrics. That's my writing habbit. He asked me if I could finish up in a week at first, but then after I told him that it'll take me forever, he said that I can take my time.  Afterall I feel a bit pressure to finish it up because I don't want to delay his project! however I was sooooo busy that I couldn't sit down and write it.  Then finally, I found a time to sit down and listen to the song and think about it ... think think think think think...after 2 days, the story of the song pops up while I was in the bathroom! haha! Then I jot down some words on the paper... and started typing into Word...

At around 4am, I woke up and had a few sentences rushing to my mind.. (I don't know where did the words come from.. they just exist in my brain, Derek said that's what we called 靈感!) I switched on my PC and wrote.... then I completed it in an hour. I woke up the other morning and polished it a bit again. Then I sent it to my friend.IT'S THE VERY FIRST TIME THAT I COMPLETED A SONG WITHOUT GARY'S HELP! i'm proud of myself this time and Gary is proud of me too ! That piece of lyric is a story that I wanted to write for a long time. Finally, I wrote it! It's a guy song, and it's from a guy's point of view also.

Really want to share with you guys but then I have to ask my friend for permission~ Afterall it's his song , right?  Anyway, I hope that I can write more lyrics in the future (and write as quickly as this time!)  lyricP.S. My friend said that my lyrics are toward the visual side.. I found out that this is my style! Because I want the others to visualize the scene while listening to the song, and on the other hand, it can allow myself to remember my old stories vividly in my mind!我朋友話我寫詞好多影像,我發現咗呢個係我寫詞既風格呀,哈哈~~ 因為我想人哋聽我隻歌時,可以幻想情景,同埋可以畀我自己回想以前既片段呢! 

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
Hong Kong
April 5, 2008