Sorry I haven't updated about us for a long while~ I promise I'll make a photo album of our previous shows as soon as possible! haha!! Yesterday we went to a function called "Music @ Youth" and we played three songs at Stars Avenue. We haven't performed in Stars Avenue for a long time and it made me miss our old days I had much fun because I love singing on high stages with real drumsets, hahahahaha~~ however, I heard that the audiences couldn't hear me & Gary clear enough.. what a bummer We got this after the show too 唔好意思咁耐冇真正update(除咗update schedule)~! 我會儘快上載之前出show啲相㗎喇!hehe
琴日我哋不眠樂團去咗星光大道表演,諗下都好耐冇去嗰度表演喇,好懷念以前成日喺嗰度出show既時光! 今次我都玩得好開心呢,因為都有一排冇喺啲高臺+有真鼓既場合表演喇,嗰個感覺好開心㗎,哈哈~~ 不過觀衆話我同Gary好細聲呢,真係可惜! show之後得到這張感謝狀 Oh, and we got this from the Winter Festival as well !香港繽紛冬日節感謝狀 Actually this morning we went to Wedding Exhibition and performed a wedding song that we wrote. I like this stage too!
其實今朝我哋去咗婚紗展覽做表演嘉賓~ 介紹一下我哋既婚禮音樂服務~ 我都鍾意呢個臺呀 I got this dress from my Korea trip, heheheheheehe I like it a lot!
hello everyone! welcome to my blog! You can visit for my performing schedule, photos, and music!! P.S. I might miss some of your