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Van Ness Wu
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Miss Asia...sigh|亞洲小姐競選...唉|亚洲小姐竞选...*唉|ミス・アジア......はぁぁ~~

So recently my lil sister is in a Miss Asia pageant. I went to go support her becus I know it would mean alot to her. As it would any person to see their siblings come and support. As the same when I see all of my fans come out and support me.

 She's a very hard worker......it still amazes me on how much passion she has. But does the media care about such things? Do they write things of value? No...instead they slander, and make stories of how the only reason she is even able to make it to the top 6 is becus I showed up at the pageant........Question?

Is our entertainment industry that corrupt? That tainted, that nothing is sacred anymore?

Is anything ever fair? Is there anything in this business that is pure?

I'm still just an older brother none the less.....an oldher brother who loves his little sister.

Vote #4 once a day:

http://app.hkatv.com/v3/special_events/08/mis sasia08/vote2.php?lang=2  |最近我妹妹姚鳳鳳參加亞洲小姐選舉,我去支持是因為知道這對她來說很重要。大家都想要兄弟姐妹的現場支持,如同我看到所有粉絲們都來支持我一樣。

她非常努力......我驚異於她的激情四溢。但媒體關心這些嗎? 他們寫了什麽有價值的東西? 沒有...反而是誹謗,為她入圍6強編造出唯一的理由,說是因為我的出席.........問題?

我們的娛樂業如此腐化嗎? 太醜陋,再沒什麽受尊重?

有沒有公正存在? 在這個圈子還有沒有純潔的事物?



http://app.hkatv.com/v3/special_events/08/mis sasia08/vote2.php?lang=2 |最近我妹妹姚凤凤参加亚洲小姐选举,我去支持是因为知道这对她来说很重要。大家都想要兄弟姐妹的现场支持,如同我看到所有粉丝们都来支持我一样。

她非常努力......我惊异于她的激情四溢。但媒体关心这些吗? 他们写了什么有价值的东西? 没有...反而是诽谤,为她入围6强编造出唯一的理由,说是因为我的出席.........问题?

我们的娱乐业如此腐化吗? 太丑陋,再没什么受尊重?

有没有公正存在? 在这个圈子还有没有纯洁的事物?


请为4号投票,每人每日可投一票 http://app.hkatv.com/v3/special_events/08/mis sasia08/vote2.php?lang=2 |ここんとこ、妹はミス・アジアのコンテストの真っ只中だ。彼女にとっていろんなこと意味するとはわかってたけど、応援しにいったんだ。どんな人だって兄弟が出るって言うんだったら応援しにいくようにね。ファンの皆が僕のこと応援しに着てくれるみたいにね。







日に一回、4番に投票してね: http://app.hkatv.com/v3/special_events/08/mis sasia08/vote2.php?lang=2 

over 16 years ago 0 likes  156 comments  0 shares
Photo 96013
but you are a super good bigbro,that's for sure.and it helps her a lot^^I believe she will make it with her soul and efforts^^I will support her too~(^-^)/
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, its by popular vote only! well in this case, since they basically designed it that way, no one can complain if she wins!
over 16 years ago
Photo 23833
voted! hope she wins!!
over 16 years ago
Img 9226
Maybe it is not how you get there, unless you compromise your character, morals or principles. It could be more of what you do when you arrive......the world needs help. Many criticise....do they actually help? Family. What's wrong with that. Hope she wins.....and makes a differfence.
over 16 years ago
Photo 24183
Hi, 我投了!希望這世能上多一些像你這樣愛妹妹的哥哥就好了!
over 16 years ago
Img 1004
Truthfully, when I saw the video although I could not understand it I felt that the industry would say that. Little did I know I was right. I can't believe they would do that. I have to say your little sister is a beauitful girl and I wish her all the luck. I hope the other contestants treat equal and not give her a hard time and tell her that's the only reason she made it to the top. I wish her luck and support her.
over 16 years ago
Jayson 93 2
Voted! Hope she wins.
over 16 years ago
Photo 229426
over 16 years ago
Photo 34109
投票了 !支持凤凤!我看了,凤凤进三甲应该没问题的!
over 16 years ago



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