Official Artist
Van Ness Wu
Actor , Director , Singer
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“This Is Van Ness” Interview with MTV ASIA

For an artist who has had great success and also recently released his latest album, C’est La “V”, Van Ness Wu holds no airs about his accomplishments.

Clad in a pair of black jeans, a red-striped cardigan over a black basic t-shirt, a beanie and black-framed glasses, he exits the stage arena for MTV Sessions and requests for a short break after an hour long on-air interview at the Waterfront Studios, Resorts World Sentosa (Singapore). With no hint of weariness or a lack of zeal, Vanness enthusiastically prepared himself for round two of interviews.

Vanness is nothing short of a down-to-earth, honest and sincere artist. Read on as he takes us through his journey as a growing artist in this interview. He talks about his new album, how he gains inspiration and shares the highlights of his career. He also gives insight into his passions in life and even his hairstyles!

for rest of the interview: http://blog.mtvasia.com/2011/12/29/this-is-vanness/

All and all a great interview... except the fact they spelled my name wrong... hahaha... all good. |

For an artist who has had great success and also recently released his latest album, C’est La “V”, Van Ness Wu holds no airs about his accomplishments.

Clad in a pair of black jeans, a red-striped cardigan over a black basic t-shirt, a beanie and black-framed glasses, he exits the stage arena for MTV Sessions and requests for a short break after an hour long on-air interview at the Waterfront Studios, Resorts World Sentosa (Singapore). With no hint of weariness or a lack of zeal, Vanness enthusiastically prepared himself for round two of interviews.

Vanness is nothing short of a down-to-earth, honest and sincere artist. Read on as he takes us through his journey as a growing artist in this interview. He talks about his new album, how he gains inspiration and shares the highlights of his career. He also gives insight into his passions in life and even his hairstyles!

for rest of the interview: http://blog.mtvasia.com/2011/12/29/this-is-vanness/

All and all a great interview... except the fact they spelled my name wrong... hahaha... all good.|

For an artist who has had great success and also recently released his latest album, C’est La “V”, Van Ness Wu holds no airs about his accomplishments.

Clad in a pair of black jeans, a red-striped cardigan over a black basic t-shirt, a beanie and black-framed glasses, he exits the stage arena for MTV Sessions and requests for a short break after an hour long on-air interview at the Waterfront Studios, Resorts World Sentosa (Singapore). With no hint of weariness or a lack of zeal, Vanness enthusiastically prepared himself for round two of interviews.

Vanness is nothing short of a down-to-earth, honest and sincere artist. Read on as he takes us through his journey as a growing artist in this interview. He talks about his new album, how he gains inspiration and shares the highlights of his career. He also gives insight into his passions in life and even his hairstyles!

for rest of the interview: http://blog.mtvasia.com/2011/12/29/this-is-vanness/

All and all a great interview... except the fact they spelled my name wrong... hahaha... all good.| 大きな成功を収め、また最近 最新作のアルバム C'est La"V"をリリースしたアーチストとしてのヴァネス・ウーはそんな彼の偉業をひけらかすような様子はない。

ブラックジーンズ、 ベーシックな黒Tの上に赤のストライプのカーディガンをはおリ、ビーニー(ニット帽)に黒縁メガネといったスタイルで 彼は リゾー トワールドセントーサ(シンガポール)にあるウォーターフロントスタジオでの1時間にも及ぶ生放送のインタビューの後、休憩しに MTVセッションズのア リーナステージを出た。疲れた様子や熱意が欠けた様子はみじんも感じさせることなくヴァネスは2つのインタビューに熱く応えてくれた。

ヴァネスは ほんとにしっかりとした、正直で誠実なアーチストなのだ。成長しているアーチストとしての彼の道程をこのインタビューでお読みください。新し いアルバムの事を、どんな風にインスピレーションを得て 彼の作品の中で最高の物となったのか語ってくれた。彼からは人生への情熱が伝わってくる。彼のヘ アスタイルからも!

インタビューの残りは; http://blog.mtvasia.com/2011/12/29/this-is-vanness/


almost 13 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Ha. You should name your next album "There's a Space Between Van and Ness!" Happy new year!
almost 13 years ago



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