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Van Ness Wu
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This month has been one of the best and worst months I've ever experienced. Words cannot describe the joy, and sadness blended in my heart... Literally in this month I've seen things that brought me great joy and pain from people close to my heart to people I've never met before. The struggles in life are real. Death is real... But so is life. And by that I mean how we live each day determines out responsibility to life itself. Each day is an opportunity (no matter how busy we are, or how side tracked we get, those simple moments whether frustrating or pleasant) to make it the best day of our life. Tomorrow is promised to no one, make sure how you live today is worth every minute of it. Cherish each emotion, but don't dwell on the negative, embrace it learn from it and focus on the positive... I was typing "sigh" on a text but instead auto spell turned it into "laugh"... I believe God is telling me something even in this moment

about 10 years ago 3842 likes  1 comments  14 shares



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August 24, 2007