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Van Ness Wu
Actor , Director , Singer
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I AM LION… hear me ROAR!!!|我是獅子... 聽我咆!!!!|我是狮子... 听我咆!!!!|俺はライオン・・・俺の吼声を聞け!!!

Yes… I’m that bored… |

對... 我正是這麼無聊... |

对... 我正是这麽无聊... |


almost 14 years ago 0 likes  26 comments  0 shares


My Bro Jaeson Ma is releasing his album soon, it's going to be an amazing album. I have no doubt in my heart that this album will change lives. I've already heard most of the tracks, and I have to tell you, whenever I'm feeling down, and out I turn on my ipod and seriously... my whole attitude begins to change. This is not a joke... this is the truth, and the truth... will set you free~ 

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGGLL5T9AOMI...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  31 comments  0 shares

5AM TORCH~|凌晨5點時 TORCH~|凌晨5点时 TORCH~|AM5時のTorch(灯)

Was up till about 5AM writing lyrics for my Japanese album…

had to get them done before I went into the studio today… Thank God i finished… It has been an amazing 3 days of recording back to back.

Seriously bouncing back and forth from Chinese, Japanese, and Engli...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  67 comments  0 shares

Been awhile~ ION|很久了~ ION|很久了~ ION|久しぶり~ION

Haven’t posted anything in a while, been so busy flying and around and about, I’ll be up soon. At the lounge in Singapore, just finished a Fashion show, share with you guys soon. Hope all is well, Thanksgiving is coming up! Can’t wait to eat the whole turkey~! Be eazy~ Love, Faith, Live~

ok.. I’m going to be lazy on this one… Devon Aoki and I at the pre party located on the rooftop of ION SKY~ The view is amazing~

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almost 14 years ago 0 likes  60 comments  0 shares

Care Bear~|呵護熊~|呵护熊~|ケアベアちゃん~

my happy spark~

No matter how crazy life gets… she able to put everything in perspective. | 令我快樂的火花~

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almost 14 years ago 0 likes  43 comments  0 shares

Random Paris~|任意的巴黎~|任意的巴黎~|Random Paris~

Random Paris~

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almost 14 years ago 0 likes  48 comments  0 shares

Make a difference, not a living…|不要為謀生而生活﹐要有所作為...|不要为谋生而生活﹐要有所作为...|自分の生活だけじゃなく 世の中に貢献しよう。

I was really blessed to be able to be a part of this project with so many great people. Hope we can all do all we can to help those who are in need.

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almost 14 years ago 0 likes  47 comments  0 shares

Studded Leopard~|閃亮的豹子~|闪亮的豹子~|スタッズ付の豹柄~

In Paris, finished work early, and stopped by the nearest Christian Loubitons~

I like leopards… I like studs… I like.

Thank God I only worked 2 hours today! Paris for 2 weeks~ So blessed!

Love, Faith, Live. | 在巴黎﹐提早完成工作﹐所以去了附近的Christian Loubitons 看看~

...Read more
almost 14 years ago 0 likes  59 comments  0 shares

NOW I CAN PT.2!!!|現在我可以第二篇|现在我可以第二篇|ナウ アイ キャン PT.2!!!




www.ubuyibuy.com](http://www.yo...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  23 comments  0 shares

TARGET x Standard Hotel x Night lights|TARGET x 肉類加工區 x 夜光燈|TARGET x 肉类加工区 x 夜光灯|ターゲットx スタンダード ホテルxナイトライト

My friend Christian Cervantes and his experience group put this little eye candy together~

The Standard hotel in the meat packing district. 11 minutes. 70 dancers. 160 flashing LED rooms~

Definitely some Next Level ish~

Congrats Christian, Proud of you broth...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  26 comments  0 shares



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Member Since
August 24, 2007