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HITTING ALL RECORD STORES IN JAPAN SEPT. 21st!!! | 將於9月21日上市, 全曰本唱片店即將發售!!! | Read more

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Head In The Clouds~|頭在雲中|头在云中|雲に想う~

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O.M.G. = OAKLEY, MASSIVE, GIANTS.|O.M.G = 奧克利﹐無限﹐極大|O.M.G = 奥克利﹐无限﹐极大|O.M.G. = OAKLEY, MASSIVE, GIANTS.

Besides hanging out in Vegas, RVCA, Art shows, and more to come places from my trip to Cali, I was very blessed to stop by the Beastly headquarters that is OAKLEY~ This place is crazy~ The interior, and overall energy is amazing. Very laid back, but also very… how you say… Mad Max/Book Of Eli ish~My man~ Alan told me to stop by and check out the craziness that goes into creating each pair of Oakley sunglasses. They even let me check out their R&D Dept,...Read more

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COME AS YOU ARE~|像你平常那樣來~|像你平常那样来~|COME AS YOU ARE~

I’ve been pretty busy the last few weeks in L.A. before heading to Indonesia for the AOG crusades, fill y’all in later about that somewhere else~ But I was blessed enough to be able to hang with Pat again before I head back to Asia. Pat invited me to an art exhibition he was curator for. The pieces there are from the Artist Network Program by RVCA.Read more

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CHOCOLATE DISCO~|巧克力的士高~|巧克力的士高~

Time to get down~ | 是時候去吧~ | Read more

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ALL ACCESS: NO MORE TEARS~|親密接觸: NO MORE TEARS (再沒有眼淚)~|亲密接触: NO MORE TEARS (再没有眼泪)~

Here’s some pix of what was behind it all~We had one day to pull off this video, I was still jet lagged while I was shooting this Music video. Crazy~ Thank God for letting me be able to have enough energy to dance the entire day. It was fun, very challenging in ways that I don’t even know how to explain, but I’m just thankful it’s done and everyone worked real hard on it. So thank you to all who helped out, God bless you all~

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大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  69 评论s  0 shares

VEGAS BABY…VEGAS~|維加斯﹐寶貝...維加斯~|维加斯﹐宝贝...维加斯~|VEGAS BABY…VEGAS~

The week I got back I was blessed enough to be able to hit up Vegas~ I love vegas! Although my love for vegas is a bit different from most people… Reasons why I love Vegas? Swimming pools, Cirque du Soleil, Circus Circus Games, and… BUFFETS!!!

But what made this trip even better…

Two free suites for the weekend at ENCORE, plus FREE ROOM SERVICE!!! Thank God for good people~!

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大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  88 评论s  0 shares

4th JAPANESE SINGLE: NO MORE TEARS~| 第四個日語單曲: No More Tears (不再流淚) |第四个日语单曲: No More Tears (不再流泪)


NO MORE TEARS~ Blessings~ | 給大家享受~

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大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  67 评论s  0 shares


Got into L.A. last week, definitely has been a whirlwind of emotions. A lot of good, and some devastating. But all and all I’m grateful for each and every one of them.I went to visit an old high school friend of mine. Actually more like one of my saviors in high school. Growing up 20 years ago as an over weight chinese kid who loved hip hop dancing, cross coloured clothing, and everything in between wasn’t easy. Especially in a pre-dominant caucasian school. But Pat Tonore was one of the few who was able to get where I was coming from, without having ...Read more

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  92 评论s  0 shares

No More Tears Teaser|No More Tears(再沒有眼淚)預告片|No More Tears(再沒有眼淚)預告片

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Taipei, Taiwan
August 24, 2007