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Van Ness Wu
Actor , Director , Singer
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MC JIN…Nuff Said!|歐陽靖...不用多說!|欧阳靖...不用多说!|MC JIN... もう分かったって!

Spittin real truth~ and the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!

I love this guy…keep fightin the good fight brotha~ SOL!!! |

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over 14 years ago 0 likes  102 comments  0 shares

A weekend @ Bethel~ Happiest place on earth.|@Bethel度過的周末 ~ 世上最快樂的地方|@Bethel度过的周末 ~ 世上最快乐的地方|べテルの週末~地上で最も楽しい場所

The package finally came!!! It was air shipped from Bethel Church in Redding, to my house in LA, then to Taiwan. Air Fare…Not cheap.

Title “Iolana” (Soaring Like a Hawk-Hawaiian Origin) By Raina Pratt. (rainapratt.com) Thank you for blessing me with this painting~


It’s a ...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  195 comments  0 shares

Thank You For Not Repeating.|感謝你不再重複|感谢你不再重複|さんきゅ~コメ繰り返さないでね

Ok seriously...the repeated posts...really not necessary. AnD...maybe y'all can make a filter or something... Thank you...Good day~  God bless. | 說真的… 那些重複的文章… 真是不必要的.

AnD… 也許你們可以設計一個類似濾器的東西…

謝謝… 日安~ Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  244 comments  0 shares

More 2 Come~|接下來有更多~|接下来有更多~|もっとあるよ

I know I’ve been slacking been so much to do lately it’s crazy…I’d like to introduce to you a place that you probably never really heard of or wonder why people would go there…Redding California.redding1

It’s an old pic, because I’ve been waiting for a package to arrive…I’ll post it up when it gets here…until then…patience is a virtue. One which we already have inside us. So we reall...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  273 comments  0 shares

So Touching…|真的好感動。。。|真的好感动。。。|マジ超感動。。。

This is an email that DirectorCutiePatootie sent to me…

dear all,

Below is a message that my mentor’s wife left for me

This a story about giving thanks to Guang Xi.

I have a friend who lives in North California, and we catch the bus at the same stop every week. The day before yesterday, she told me a story about her friend.

Her friend is a housewife, over 30 years old, and has a daughter who works as a waitress. One day, her daughter went to a church related event with her friend...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  366 comments  0 shares

The Lost Bouquet|迷失的花束|迷失的花束|消えた花束 —F4、その後—

Lost Bouquet - A Day In A Life After Flower Four

Starring Van Ness Wu (吳建豪)

Directed by Philip Ng (伍允龍)

Van Ness Wu recounts his feelings toward his fellow band mates and contemplates the life he has today in this revealing self-mockumentary ably dubbed - Lost Bouquet - A Day In A Life After Flower Four.

Filmed entirely on location in the wonderful city of Hong Kong. | 迷失的花束 - 花樣男子(F4) 之後的日子

主演: 吳建豪

導演: 伍允龍在這個自取其笑的記錄片﹐吳建豪講述他對男子組合...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  361 comments  0 shares

1040 COMIN AT YA~!!!|1040往你方向去~!!!|1040往你方向去~!!!|1040がやってくるよ~!!!

There’s only so much one can take…

God please…Reveal, Remove, Release, Renew, Refresh….Reborn…with Love. | 一個人的容忍有限。。。

上帝﹐請您。。。用愛。。。去揭露﹐拆除﹐釋放﹐更新。。。重生。 | 一个人的容忍有限。。。

上帝﹐请您。。。用爱。。。去揭露﹐拆除﹐释放﹐更新。。。重生。< /p>| ひとりが録れる限度があってね・・・・神様どうか・・・さらけ出し、取り去り、解き放ち、回復させ・・・生まれ変わらせて下さい・・・愛をもって・・・

over 14 years ago 0 likes  102 comments  0 shares

I LOVE 2 PARTY- wit No SEX, DRUGS, & ALCOHOL~ HAHA|社交集會我喜歡 - 但是不要性行為﹐吸毒或飲酒 ~ 哈哈|社交集会我喜欢 - 但是不要性行为﹐吸毒或饮酒 ~ 哈哈|パーティ大好きーsex ,ドラッグ、アルコ

This is an article from New Paper...I heard this is paper normally only writes about tabloids...wow..GOD is GOOD! WHEN hit Taiwanese idol drama series Meteor Garden became a worldwide sensation nine years ago, American-born Chinese actor-singer Van Ness Wu was considered boy band F4's least popular and swoon-worthy member.Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  223 comments  0 shares


This is the song we recorded at my boy Skot Suyama’s basement. Holding fans to act like pop filters, everyone in the same little room while we recorded everything. Everything was done on his laptop then sent to Japan…amazing what you can do when you have the will to do it. God bless you and your new family brotha~ Can’t wait to make some more tracks that matter. Tell the rest of the boys there are in my prayers. One Love y’all~ |

我們在好友 Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  163 comments  0 shares

Nothing exciting to write…so write about me…um…thank you?|沒甚麼有趣的事情可以寫。。。所以就寫我。。。嗯。。。謝謝?|没甚麽有趣的事情可以写。。。所以就写我。。。嗯。。。谢谢?|書くほどの事

I've been in Hokkaido snowboarding with my Spiritual family for the past week. The snow is amazing, the food is great, and the people are so friendly everywhere. To my surprise a lot of the workers here are from Australia. And everywhere I go I've been hearing so many people speak cantonese. This has definitely been one of the best trips I've had in a long time. Funny though...everytime when my life seems like it's fill...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  243 comments  0 shares



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Taipei, Taiwan
Member Since
August 24, 2007