-my wishes-
I wished for power to succeed, God gave me modesty instead to learn to obey.
I wished for health to do good, God gave me sickness instead to do better
I wished for wealth to be happy, God gave me poverty instead to be wise.
I wished for ability to be respected, God gave me weakness instead to need him.
I wished for everything to live pleasantly, God gave me life instead to to live with thankfulness for everything.
I haven't been given an...Read more
I'm not a business man...I'm a "BUSINESS" MANNN~! But in truth...i'm just a guy who believes in true friendship. Brotherhood. You meet a lot of people in this business, in the beginning everyone was either:
Very nice to me. (most likely becus we were the flava at that moment)
Ju...Read more
If someone came up to me a year ago and said...
"Van Ness in a year you will be hosting a bible study"
I would've probably looked at him/her straight in the eye...and spit chocolate on his face, from laughing so hard.............................................................................................................................
....................................................................................Read more
So recently my lil sister is in a Miss Asia pageant. I went to go support her becus I know it would mean alot to her. As it would any person to see their siblings come and support. As the same when I see all of my fans come out and support me.
She's a very hard worker......it still amazes me on how much passion she has. But does the media care about such things? Do they write things of value? No...instead they slander, and make stories of how the only reason she is even able to m...Read more
This movie is definitely a must see....I saw this when it was playing in L.A. my Pastor will be in H.K. for the event if anyone is in H.K. your support is truly appreciated. God bless~
I'm very grateful for both these opportunities...it's a first for me on both occasions. It's actually quite amusing how this all came to be....
Time: 2 weeks before I was heading to Tokyo to prepare for the concert I received a phone call from a co-worker asking if I was interested in opening for Kanye West...I jumped at the chance...S...Read more
What is F4? What does that mean.....Well to some people...nothing.....to others...a boy band....
that's right mofo~! I said it....a F*KIN BOY BAND~!
A Boy band that has lasted for over 7 years, with some people, some...not all....saying over and over that, we wouldn't, we couldn't, and WTF...are they really....STILL????
Well....to all the people talking smack.......I could talk back with negative remarks....but I won't. It's not needed...for our track record speaks for itself...and ...Read more
...................is the concert really over.......already......................so fast........feels....surreal........God really does have a great sense of humor~
| ..............演唱會結束了......已經結束......................太快了........感覺....像做夢........上帝真夠幽默的~
| ..............演唱会结束了......已经结束.................Read more
Been about a minute since I last wrote, it's been a bit crazy...but good. I recently just finished 4 concerts in Japan and it feels great~! Thank you to everyone who came out to support and show some love~ I truly feel blessed by the Lord......for the amt of time I had to work on the Music, Dance Choreography, Costumes, Lighting...etc...man...it wasn't easy...but then it was...to long to explain...just know that, God is so VERY good people...I was a bit stressed in the beginning, but I gave all my troubles and worries t...Read more