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Folks, please vote!|各位,請投票!|各位,请投票!

It is finally coming to an end for my apartment's renovation. It has been an uneasy task to remote control such many delicate yet decorative procedures. Now that it is close to complete, i m looking forward to the day when i return home from filming, the moment i open the door, the first thing i see is my living room's beautiful front wall. But lets not get over our heads just yet, right now it is still looking like this:

It is an approximately 2.5 x 2 metres (length x width) wall, where a dining table for 6 to 8 will be placed along side eventually. Notice the dangling light bulb, it will then be the dining table drop light. Now, here is the dilemma, in order to emphasise this wall, instead of using ordinary wall paint/ barcelonian oil painting/ miscellaneous plants/ gold-framed mirror, i chose to cover it with italian ceramic floor tiles like the following:

 sample A

 sample B

 sample C

Notice there are 8 colours starting from the middle: red, orange, yellow, yellow-green (need good eye to tell), brown, white, blue, dark green (almost black) and various patterned tiles. I have decided to use red and orange for the center part, dark green on the edge and 4 strong patterned tiles respectively. The rest are undecided. There were 20 other samples, and i have already narrowed it down to the above 3 (A, B, C).

Folks, please enlighten me and help me figure out the most appropriate. Dont get me wrong, they are all good, it just pains me to pick 'the best' by further elimination, so i might as well leave the dirty job to you. Enjoy, and remember to vote! | 我公寓的裝修終於接近尾聲。遠程遙控如此之多而微妙的裝飾過程可不是件易事。現在快完成了,我期待著拍攝結束回到家,打開門的那一刻,第一眼看到的是我客廳的美麗的墻。但我們現在可不能停手,現在它看起來還是這個樣子:

這堵墻約為2.5 × 2米(長x寬),將放置一張供6到8人使用的餐桌。註意到吊在那兒的燈泡了嗎,這兒會掛一盞晚餐吊燈。現在麻煩來了,為了突出這面墻,我決定不使用普通內墻塗料/ barcelonian油畫/各種植物/金框鏡子,我決定用這樣的意大利陶瓷地磚來裝飾它:

樣品 A

樣品 B

樣品 C


夥計們,請給我點啟發,幫我選出最合適的一種。別誤會我的意思,它們都不錯,只是怎樣選出"最好的"令我頭痛,所以我不得不把這麻煩事交給你們。好好看,記得要投票!| 我公寓的装修终于接近尾声。远程遥控如此之多而微妙的装饰过程可不是件易事。现在快完成了,我期待着拍摄结束回到家,打开门的那一刻,第一眼看到的是我客厅的美丽的墙。但我们现在可不能停手,现在它看起来还是这个样子:

这堵墙约为2.5 × 2米(长x宽),将放置一张供6到8人使用的餐桌。注意到吊在那儿的灯泡了吗,这儿会挂一盏晚餐吊灯。现在麻烦来了,为了突出这面墙,我决定不使用普通内墙涂料/ barcelonian油画/各种植物/金框镜子,我决定用这样的意大利陶瓷地砖来装饰它:

样品 A

样品 B

样品 C



大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  19 评论s  0 shares
Photo 99631
Sample A - it has a more authentic Italian feel...somehow.
大约 16 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
I vote for C. There is more happening in terms of color in C, and you have a pretty large area to cover: hence, the more visually interesting choice. I love the idea of covering a wall with tile. That is one of the things I loved to death about Andalusia; they put tiles wherever they can, and they are such beautiful tiles.
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 53024
A :)
接近 16 年 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
erm ..personally.. this is a wall you are going to see when you walk in....it needs to be stunning or something to talk about....and the drop light looks like??? a, b, c.... don't love the colors together... the tiles look beautiful individually...together it's quite stark... how about mosiacs????..the floor is quite lovely as is the frame..oooops did i say too much??? C is easier on the eye....
接近 16 年 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin, french
Hong Kong
November 8, 2007