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Victor Chen
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Got pwned by Edward Furnishing Gallery!|被愛德華裝飾畫廊騙了!|被爱德华装饰画廊骗了!

I cannot believe i got swindled by that soab furniture retailer! I m furious!

Three months ago i came across this furniture outlet in happy valley, hk, a supplier who import furnitures from england, with certificate of origin and all that, seemed promising.

But i m wrong. Despite the man's scroundrel appearance, i decided to buy three items from him, all sofas, and this is a close to 100 grand altogether deal. He said delivery will due in a couple to three months. Eventually the sofas did arrive, but only two out of three. One individual item would take longer bcos he made a mistake on the measurements. I paid my deposit in april, unwillingly, for i had to pay more than half cos that is 'the rule'. I thought what the heck just get this over and done with, so i paid him for that item a 23500 hkd deposit. Three months later, well close to four months now, knowing the delivery time is due, i called the man again. He sluggishly replied me, and that is the last time we talked on the phone. I asked him why didnt he provide the info on the item, for there are amendments, if the good is unacceptable, they might as well not ship it at all. He then tried to convince me there is no problem, and if there is a problem, i can get full refund, after all it is his mistake the first place. I thought fair enough, but surely i dont want the latter to happen, i just want my sofa to arrive in good shape. However, two more weeks have passed, i waited and waited until one day i drove to the store to look for him. Guess what happens?

He is long gone. Thats right, edward furnishing gallery just ceased to exist. He is probably wiping his ass with my 23500 dollars, smelling his feaces, laughing. What an utter a- hole! soab slapping motherfker ... btw no need for translate Jry7...

So what did i do? first thing i called the consumer council; but sorry, hotline period is over. Then i dialled 999 for the police, u know what i get the first go? 'police, nine nine nine, police, nine nine nine' this robotic retarded voice repeated itself in cantonese and english before hanging up on me, wtf!? I called again, boy that lady sounded soooo 'enthusiatic', like she is 'really' willing to help, i ponder what kind of a society is this when all it does is asking YOU for help, but SCREW YOU when it is the way round? So i went to the police station. Not that i know they can help, but what else can i do, sitting on my ass? That lady in uniform took her time to listen to my case, and in between her chit chat with her colleagues, she broke it to me calmly, that they cant assign an officer to follow my case, for this is consumer council business, not theirs, they can only open up a file for the records, but no one is gonna bother with that.

Freaking awesome. A fraud just walked away with 23500 hkd, and i just sit around, pretend nothing happened, cos its a frigging weekend?? This is just great, wat a classic example for our society, one that dont give a rats ass unless u cry your lungs out at the media. So what then, m i gonna get my refund? Guess not. i can wait till monday though, wait for the stupid hotline to become available, so i can repeat my pathetic little case to a stranger who probably dont give a crap either. Goddamnit this blows.

Folks, i know some of your parents or teachers taught you NOT to judge others by appearance, but seriously, the hell with it, ALWAYS be suspicious to those crooks out there!  | 我真不敢相信我被那些家具零售商給騙了!我氣瘋了! 



他早就跑了。是的,愛德華裝飾畫廊已經不復存在!所以,我該怎麽辦?首先我給消費者協會打了電話,但是很抱歉,熱線時代已經結束了。然後我撥了999報警,你知道我第一通電話聽到的是什麽? “警察,9 9 9,警察,9 9 9 ”這個機器在我掛機之前用遲鈍的廣東話和英語重復著,whf!?我又打了一遍,兄弟們那個女人的聲音聽起來如此”熱情“,就好像她'真的'願意幫忙似的。我想知道這是個什麽社會,他們所做的只是要求幫助你,當你真的需要他們幫助的時候事情就不是一樣的了?所以我去了警察局。這並不是因為我知道他們可以提供幫助,但是我還可以做什麽呢?除了用屁股坐著。那個穿著制服的女士花時間聽我講我的遭遇,與此同時她跟她的同事聊天,她平靜的打斷了我,說他們不能無法指派一名人員辦我的案子,因為這是消費者協會的工作而不是他們的,他們只會設個文件記錄此事,但沒有人會在意它。 


夥計們,我知道你們的父母和老師叫你們不要以貌取人,老實說,讓它見鬼去吧,要牢記永遠小心那些騙子!| 我真不敢相信我被那些家具零售商给骗了!我气疯了! 



他早就跑了。是的,爱德华装饰画廊已经不复存在!所以,我该怎么办?首先我给消费者协会打了电话,但是很抱歉,热线时代已经结束了。然后我拨了999报警,你知道我第一通电话听到的是什么? “警察,9 9 9,警察,9 9 9 ”这个机器在我挂机之前用迟钝的广东话和英语重复着,whf!?我又打了一遍,兄弟们那个女人的声音听起来如此”热情“,就好像她'真的'愿意帮忙似的。我想知道这是个什么社会,他们所做的只是要求帮助你,当你真的需要他们帮助的时候事情就不是一样的了?所以我去了警察局。这并不是因为我知道他们可以提供帮助,但是我还可以做什么呢?除了用屁股坐着。那个穿着制服的女士花时间听我讲我的遭遇,与此同时她跟她的同事聊天,她平静的打断了我,说他们不能无法指派一名人员办我的案子,因为这是消费者协会的工作而不是他们的,他们只会设个文件记录此事,但没有人会在意它。 



over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
dude that sucks! if someone robbed you on a street corner of $23500, the cops would notice, but since its shady business dealings, they pretend like its not a crime?!? :-/
over 15 years ago


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