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Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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Inglourious Basterds - 5 stars|無恥混蛋- 5星|无耻混蛋 - 5星

Writer: Quentin Tarantino Director: Quentin Tarantino Cast: Brad Pitt as Aldo Raine, Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa, Melanie Laurent as Shosanna Dreyfus, Diane Kruger as Bridget von Hammersmark, Michael Fassbender as Lt. Archie Hicox

Comment: The spot light goes to Hans Landa aka 'the jew hunter', a SS nazi officer played by austrian actor Christoph Waltz. It is a long time since i see acting with such depth and creativity. Already took best actor for Cannes, he is to be nominated for the academy for certain. On interview, he stated that the script is so precisely written that there is no way to reinvent the character. And this brings us to the script. I appreciate most of the dialog, however longwinded at times and subsequently weakens intensity. Tarantino claimed that the character Hans Landa could be the best actor he has ever written, i agree with him, cos none of any other characters in the movie are as 'complete' as Lanka; the script and dialog helped a great deal, but it is Waltz's invention that made it happen. A little over rated as a black comedy, since there is only one scene when the movie is intentionally comedic, thanks to the charms of Pitt, which only comes towards the ending. Violence remains very tarantino style, not as frequent as anticipated, it is over shadowed by dialog and growing tension. Laurent played a victim of the holocaust with grace and dignity, whereas kruger finally showed improvment playing a german actress as herself.

Overall, if without waltz, the movie would be a scattered jigsaw, bizarre and disoriented. With waltz, i would watch the movie again and again, but only when waltz displays his fearfully accurate yet diverse acting skills.       |





克里斯托弗 华尔兹像神一样,我的意思是,你一定要去看他,他的角色十分有内涵,我觉得最近很少见了。我感谢你,塔伦蒂诺先生,谢谢你写了这个剧本,塑造了犹太人猎人这个神圣的角色,这部影片令人彻底享受...


over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
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Me too, I've been waiting to see it.
over 15 years ago


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