Within the phang nga region, u can find 'Wat Tham Suwankhuha' (the monkey cave), named after the hundreds of small monkey inhabitants, and they wait anxiously for the daily arrival of tourists, as they are fed on peanuts sold at a small stand. Here u can also find a 15 meters long, lying buddah statue - it even claims it can create universe in five days :P this picture is a mere depiction of commercialised exploitation of religion... intense, i know.
Back to leisure sight seeing; beyond the temple, is an attractive cave interior. It doesnt stretch very far, but adequate for a photo or two, plus, hundreds and hundreds of whispering bats.
longtail boat ride, cutting our way through a mangrove forest, to our destination james bond island, remember sir roger moore in 'the man with the golden gun' ? no? neither do i lol
voila, limestone mountains rising out of sea in all sort of shapes, some with hidden lagoons or mangrove forest delta with twisting channels
natural entries like this can be found in limestone stacks quite often in phang nga bay
whether or not these pearls are found and processed by locals in phang nga, is hard to say, the bargain simply drops from 1200 all the way to 600/500 baht... without me saying a word, knowing things can go ugly, i couldnt help telling the vendor i m a dealer myself
again, cant resist the funny shaped rocks... during a half hour drop off session on the island, with nothing else to do
at james bond island bay area, its typical touristy picture time with the famous nail rock (even though they are all over the place)
nail rock, lime stone mountain, bond's stack (!), u name it... they even have captions of the movie practically engraved on the rocky walls. seems too much to me, to be honest
this is what u see if u look up from the lagoon, all sorts of vegetations, in one of those giant sized nail rocks, we were, of course, rowing on a canoe
some exotic species grow on the narrowest of cracks, cactus looking; at one point, the guide even pointed out cave man drawings, claiming it to be at least 3000 years of age - looks like my kindergarten crayons
mangrove, they are every where, quietly still, listening to men's conversation, thinking why they could never stop talking
the following day, a little more island jumping to phi phi, this picture is just here to blow your mind, and resemble a couple scenes from the dicaprio movie, the beach... it is shot some where around here
the inner part of phi phi island, no ganjas to be found lol
a typical longtail boat in the area, these can fit up to a dozen
awwww, monkey accepts food from human, how sweet... with the guide warning us of a single scratch of this creature can lead to severe rabies infection, we just stare at it from afar. so much consequences with nature, damn...
a little resort resting on phi phi island coast | 在攀牙這個地方會發現有一個地方叫Wat Tham Suwankhuha,也就是猴穴,這樣命名是因為裏面居住著成百上千只的小猴子,它們每天都焦急的等待著遊客的到來,只有這樣,附近小攤位上的花生才能讓它們享受。在這兒還可以看到一個十五米長的臥佛雕像,據說呢它在五天內創造了宇宙萬物 這張照片是這個地方商業化開發僅有的一種呈現罷了。 回到休閑觀光的視角,越過一個寺廟,裏面有個洞穴,它並不怎麽深,一兩張照片就能拍到底,另外呢還有數百上千只好似在耳語的蝙蝠。 乘坐著長尾船,在去往目的地James Bond島的路上,貫穿著一片紅樹林,還記得007系列金槍人中的羅傑摩爾爵士嗎?不記得?好吧,哈哈,我也不記得了 瞧,這種石灰巖山千奇百怪地從海裏冒出來,一些周遭隱秘有瀉湖,或是紅樹林三角洲,洲上河道蜿蜒 在攀牙灣,這種石灰巖堆積的地方隨處可見像這樣的一些天然通道 不敢肯定這些珠寶是否是攀牙當地人自己發掘並制作加工而成,通常呢這些東西可以從1200泰銖討價還價到500或600泰銖。如果我不還價,商販們說不定會要的更高,於是我忍不住告訴他們,其實我自己深諳這一行 我還是不能抗拒這些很有趣,而又各式各樣的巖石。然後也很無聊的待了半個小時,實在沒什麽事兒幹。 在詹姆斯邦德島海灣,最令遊客期待的是和這些有名的釘子狀巖石拍照哦(盡管它們到處都是) 釘子狀巖石,也就是石灰巖山,邦德之石,哈,你怎麽叫都行。巖壁上甚至還刻有關於電影的註解,老實說,我很難接受。 從環礁湖湖往上看,會呈現這樣的景象——形態各異的樹木。當然了,我們呢是劃著船置身於其中一個巨大的釘狀巖石中 這些看起來怪怪的,有點類似仙人掌的物種生長在狹窄的縫隙中。在一個地方,導遊指著一處穴居人所做的畫說起碼有三千年的歷史了,不過看起來還蠻像我在幼兒園時候的蠟筆畫 到處都能看到紅樹林,它們靜靜地站在那兒聆聽著人類的對話,納悶著為什麽老是說個不停呢。 第二天,轉站去了phi phi島,照片裏的景色真的讓人著迷,有點像迪卡普裏奧電影裏的一組鏡頭,還有海灘 ,類似於在這樣的地方取景拍攝。 這是Phi phi島內部的景色,哈,不過這兒可找不到大麻作物。 這兒典型的長尾船,可以滿滿地裝十二個人。 呀,猴子們從遊客手裏得到吃的了,多可愛。不過導遊警告我們說一旦被它們抓傷,就會被感染嚴重的狂犬病,所以我們只能從遠處看著它們,有時候大自然也會造成很多惡果。 Phi phi島岸邊一個休閑旅遊勝地。|
在攀牙这个地方会发现有一个地方叫Wat Tham Suwankhuha,也就是猴穴,这样命名是因为里面居住着成百上千只的小猴子,它们每天都焦急的等待着游客的到来,只有这样,附近小摊位上的花生才能让它们享受。在这儿还可以看到一个十五米长的卧佛雕像,据说呢它在五天内创造了宇宙万物 这张照片是这个地方商业化开发仅有的一种呈现罢了。
乘坐着长尾船,在去往目的地James Bond岛的路上,贯穿着一片红树林,还记得007系列金枪人中的罗杰摩尔爵士吗?不记得?好吧,哈哈,我也不记得了
第二天,转站去了phi phi岛,照片里的景色真的让人着迷,有点像迪卡普里奥电影里的一组镜头,还有海滩 ,类似于在这样的地方取景拍摄。
这是Phi phi岛内部的景色,哈,不过这儿可找不到大麻作物。
Phi phi岛岸边一个休闲旅游胜地。