Wanda Norris Kang
演员, 歌手, 地区经理
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The Issue of Secretary Hillary Clinton and Emails:

That was a retaliatory event Tim Levins orchestrated and emails are a derogatory term for people in the virtual world. After the First meeting with Washington DC, Jose' and 2 other people were sent to me virtually at my home. Jose' stomped on me and told me Sung Kang was not in love with me. Later Madam Secretary of State Hilary Clinton argued with First Lady Michelle Obama that she should not have told me, 'If I had a mother like mine she'd kill her.' And they did tell us that under deep hypnosis. Thinking that Jose' was governmental because he worked for Hillsborough County. He told me to let them do the fighting for me because I am a Pacifist. Big Daddy (from the Obama Camp) Said that I had held my breath for long time and that I was conserving my energy for the fight ahead.

This I suppose is the classified information that she is accused of not revealing. In the Capitol Hill hearings Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was holding her breath at me signaling me that I had been holding my breath for a long time. During the meeting Brenda Eighmey took the cue to ask her, 'Oh when did you get back to town?' Proving that she was cyberstalking me in my home and monitoring my communication with Washington D.C. We have proof now the legal government can do something about them. In the first meeting Obama agreed that they (Les and Brenda Eighmey are the problem) The rest of the problem is that each governmental enitity has made excuses of why no action has been taken.

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Sung: I don't like the way he looks at you. Wanda: He scares me.


August 12, 2015