Wanda Norris Kang
演员, 歌手, 地区经理
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Threats - and No Talking -

The reason my case manager President Sung Kang wants me to stop talking to people is because they are stressing me out and beaing me up. When I stepped out of my hotel on Wilshire Blvd a black man called me a nice lady. In the conversation he told me, 'Fuck what you are saying, people matter.'

I said of course people matter and I told the story of how Steve Norris died. He asked me if he went in dead and came out alive. I said no he was alive but did not receive adequate treatment. He then told me that I have a law suit. I said law suits take too long. I'm not worried that my case manager knew how to deal with the issues. He then told me to go to the Gym to get toned up for my man. Meaning I should go get a divorce (using les eighmey to kill somebody). I said no I don't go to the 'Jim'. He then said, Well then go in there and live your life everyday.

Getting into a conversation just confuses the issue and doesn't help the truth but it does reveal the truth. This was a threat to me that if I don't go to (les) that my life was going to get worse.

When I went to the 'Jim Buzbee' in 2002 to divorce Steve Norris because of domestic violence I didn't know it was Les Eighmey nor that Les was in league with terrorist. I know that now and I'm being given bad advice because he killed my husband and it was admitted to infront of President Obama. Telling me to go to he Jim means somebody wants to kill President Sung Kang.

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Sung: I don't like the way he looks at you. Wanda: He scares me.


August 12, 2015