Official Artist
Wayne Chang
Actor , Casting Director
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Acting Schools & Workshops outside of the US

I have came across a lot of questions regarding Acting Schools outside of the US region.

Seriously. I'm pretty clueless. But that doesn't mean I will not do my own research. So, this post is another entry where I will be updating on a regular basis. And you readers out there, feel free to write me suggestions!!!



Neptune Theatre School National Theatre School of Canada Vancouver Film School


East 15 Acting School of University of Essex (London)

Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (London)

The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (London)

The Method Studio (London)


The Saturday Academy (London)

Richmond Drama School (London)

Guildhall School of Music & Drama (London)

The Centre Stage School of Performing Arts Actors Studio(London)

King's Head Theatre Expression Studio BSA Actor Training The Betsey Group Acting Workshops


Zhong Xi Theatre School 江蘇省戲劇學校 Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau


National Taiwan University of Arts 國立國光藝術戲劇學校 Guling Street Avant-Garde Theatre Taiwan Drama Performance Chinese Culture University Department of Theatre Arts STU Department of Performing Arts Taipei National University of the Arts Taiwan Film Arts


The Actors Studio - Sydney The Actors Conservatory Screenwise Film & Television School for Actors


TVI Studios Europe Industry Hollywood (London)

Acting Coach Janey Clarke (London)

Make It America (London)

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September 11, 2007