Official Artist
Wayne Chang
Actor , Casting Director
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And She...

Remember how I have mentioned in a previous entry, that ChiaSui would be great for the lead role for "Red Shoes?" - Well, congrats to Chiasui, she actually landed the part!!! Yay!!! I knew she'd be perfect for the role!!!

I came across Parry Shen'swebsite. (For those of you who are not familiar with him... He's one of the leads in the movie Better Luck Tomorrow) He has his own FAQ section, with a lot of goodie, industry insights and hints. If you got any spare time, I definately recommanded you to browse though his FAQs (and his blog which contains his Acting "Lessons" I, II and III).

Hrm, also, just a couple weeks ago, the director of the short film "66,000 MPH" wrote me an email, telling me that he had created a character in the film for me. (I auditioned for one of the lead roles for him couple months ago, but I didn't get the part. I thought my performance was so-so....) So when i read that email, I was thrilled. I felt like.."They do like me after all! I am a decent actor after all!!"

But recently, I saw a casting call posted by them - looking for "10-12 Chinese males" as Extras for a scene. I started to fear that the part they are offering me... is one of the Extras.

Then if that's the case, I really have to decide if taking on this role is worth taking a day off from my day job?? Will I even have any speaking lines??

At this point, I don't have the scrīpt and know nothing about this 'character' --- Oh gosh, so much things to think about.

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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September 11, 2007