Wayne Chang
演员, 选角导演
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Back in the Game

Funny how I was complaining about things are slow and this and that.

Now looking at my calendar, it's all packed. Jammed Packed.

Wish I can say that everyday's busy with Acting gig - but nah. It's all about my dayjob, meeting with friends, and yeah, some filming.

"Paper Girl" resumed production earlier this month. So far, I have spent 3 days on the production. I would say, despite the harsh weather, the filming have been pretty smooth. Right now, I only need to spend two more days then I'll be done with all the scenes involving my character.

Oh, one person that I met (finally) is our makeup artist (MUA), Cheryl. She's awesome. Super fast, friendly, and she's definately a trained professional make up artist. And the products she uses are also really high in quality. Like the hard-to-find awesome Lucas Papaw Ointment and Nioxin hair styling products (gentle on your hair and scalp), and superb ICON Products, etc. If I'm a make up artist, based on my budget, I'd probably end up using Suave and 99 cents store makeups.

If you ever needed a Makeup arist for your film, commercial or photoshoot, you can email Cheryl here.

Sometimes, it's kind of hard to think about how much I will miss everyone once the production is wrapped.

Remember "Full Circle" - ? The film took over a year to film. It is still in post-production phase. But after we wrapped the production, I felt rather empty. Usually I'd be traveling to Brooklyn for rehearsals and filming on a weekly basis - but it felt like I was out of 'weekend' job after it wrapped. The same with "The Setup." There are actors that I'm so used to seeing all the time, and all of the sudden, we moved onto different directions and projects.

But it's life.

More news, "Blitzkrieg" also resume filming earlier this year. My scene will be filmed next week. It is going to be a long day, since there are a lot of scenes to cover, but I'm sure I'll enjoy every moment of it.

Also, don't forget to vote for the Music Videofeaturing... Me~!

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english, mandarin
New York City, United States
September 11, 2007