Wayne Chang
演员, 选角导演
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Confused... With a bit of Frustration...

I just say, I have been very lucky over this Summer. Not only I booked a Dunkin Donuts TV Promo (Which, I haven't seen it myself. It's off the air now...), I also get to work on a Pilot produced by ****. (I know. I have to keep it low profile)

These are the projects that I self-submitted and booked the roles.

In addition, I got sent out and auditioned for a co-star role for a major feature film, and a TV series.

I have never gotten this many "Actions" within 2 months. In New York, there arn't as many shows compare to Hollywood - so, I consider myself very, very lucky.

The problem is...

I thought I did great with the feature film audition.

It has been 3 weeks. Nope. No Call Back.

I thought I did great with the TV series audition.

It has been a week - And Nope. No Call Back.

This frustrates me - because I have never booked anything (legit) gig that were sent by my Manager.

Recently, I met an other Talent Manager through one of those Workshops. Originally, I took the workshop mainly to get feedbacks on my cold reading skills. (Plus the studio was having a discount, so I get to take 2 workshops for the price of one. I have problem saying "No" to good deals.)

But who knew, during our second meeting, the Talent Manager expressed interests in representing me. Of all these workshops that I have gone to, this was the first time that I got a direct positive feedback. (Based on the two under-prepared readings I did during week one. I mean, what? Someone liked my horrible readings?)

The problem is...

I'm already working with the same Talent Manager (on a free-lancing basis) for the past 6 years. I have never really worked closely with anyone else. (I have free lanced with other talent agents and managers in the past, but it was more like thr "1 or 2 casting call email and never heard from them again" deal. Plus, I had bad experience when I was contact by three agents regarding the same gig, I had to reject two of them... Let's say that didn't improve my relationship with the agents at all.)

Even though there are no exclusive contracts involved, I (and any other Talent Mangers) would perfer to work exclusively to avoid any conflicts. (It is okay to work with a Talent Agent while having a Talent Manager.)

I'm a One-Person kinda guy.

That's why I'm a bit concern at the moment. This New Manager had been keeping their company very low-profile, therefore, I wasn't able to find any information on them... I don't know anyone who have worked with them. (If they were as high profile as Authentic Talent Management, then that have helped with my decision.)

Similiar to my current Manager - Pretty much only the Asian (Actor) Communtiy knows about her.

My Acting Career has been pretty much the same until I started with all the Audition Technique classes and Casting Director workshops, that's whenI started to get legit auditions.

Was it because my Manager had been pushing me to the Casting Directors?

Or was it that I spent time and money, networking and learning from the Industry Professioanls?

It's really hard to say. And I don't really know how I feel about my manager right now. Other than being send out to auditions, there weren't any 'career consultation' or suggestions on how I can advance my acting careers.

So, right now I'm torn between a Manager who I have known for 6 years, but feeling neutral about our relationship, versus a New Manager who is very business oriented, but I know nothing about.

I'd hate to make the wrong decision and burn both bridges.

My plan is to reach a decision by the end of this week. sigh

15 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 403831
If you're unhappy with the current situation, talk to your current manager and see what she has to say about it. If it's not what you want to hear (or it confirms that you need a change), then try someone else. But either way, don't give up trying to get gigs yourself!! Make your own luck!!
15 年多 ago
Photo 481880
Since it has been more than a week, I'm curious about what you (may) have decided. Hopefully you have gained some more insider information about the new manager between the time of your post and now to make an educated decision. It's a tough choice to make, but in the end, you have to watch out for yourself and what you think is best for your career.
15 年多 ago



english, mandarin
New York City, United States
September 11, 2007