Wayne Chang
演员, 选角导演
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More Auditions

Things are really kicking in - I've got four auditions line up for this week.

I attended the screening of "Cornstarch Gizmo" the other day. Directed by Astro Saladino (this guy is awesome). I have never read the entire scrīpt - so, after watching the full 1 hr and 15 minutes of the film, I was in awe. It was more than I expected. Definately dark comedy. Very Dark, and very Funny in a distrubing way. I love it!!

The downside was, I didn't like my performance in the film. For a good 40 seconds, I couldn't even understand the words that came out of my mouth. My movements were more robotic than natural. I didn't look "Chinese" at all. (Yeah. I'm Chinese. I'm suppose to be a Chinese Restaurant Owner) Argh, I guess I need to work more on my On-Camera techniques.

As for casting stuff - I recently got offered to play one of the Yakuzaz in a NYU student film. Finally, I get to protrait a Yakuza. The filming is aiming to start late March/early April. I can't wait to read the scrīpt! Last year, I was signed on to do a series of photo-project where I protrait a Yakuza, but that project never really go through. The photographer, for some reason, moved onto a new project.

By the way, have you seen this? It looks awesome!!

On the Good Note, I will start filming my last scene of "Blitzkrieg" on March 4th. Thus will be the last project from 2006 that I'll get to finish.

On the Sad Note, I have not gotten any footage from the movies that I worked on last year... Well, I meant the one where I played a principle role... Recently I submitted to a casting call for Asian American Actors, but one of the requirement was that I have to send my Reel. I really want to send my headshot, resume and reel to Director Rey Yueng... sigh me depressed.

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english, mandarin
New York City, United States
September 11, 2007