Wayne Chang
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Nelly Yuki, She's Nelly Yuki

Earlier this week, the TV show " Gossip Girl" introduced a new character, Nelly Yuki. She is "lactose intolerant," mega Book Worm, and wears GIANTIC GLASSES!!

I'd love to see more of her. I mean, Asian Representation!!!! Nelly Yuki!! Go Nelly Yuki!! Because She's Nelly Yuki!!!!

So, everyone, if you enjoy the show, or want to support a fellow Asian Actress, please go to CW's Gossip Girl Message Board, and write something good about her... Reques to see more of her... And turn Nelly Yuki into the series regular!

A good news is, that I got casted for a role in the short film China Doll for the role of 'Huojin' - From what I know so far, is that the character will be fighting with a sword... This will be the 2nd film that I will be working with Actor Timonthy, and 3rd projects with Kang Zhang.

On the other hand - I recently got an email from "Sean" - requesting an autograph from me... Well, I really don't know what to say, since I haven't really work at any mainstream projects (TV Series, Films).... Not that I don't want to..or anything, I was just never got invited to audition for the roles. (Makalina, are you reading this? Send me out more! Hee Hee)

Well, Sean, it has been sent out yesterday, and you should get it by Friday afternoon. I apologize for the delay, I had to order new cards with my recent photos. Again, thanks for being the FIRST person ever requested an autography from me. I'm very flattered.

And, definately want to know in what show/projects that you've seen me?

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english, mandarin
New York City, United States
September 11, 2007