Official Artist
Wayne Chang
Actor , Casting Director
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Notes from the Other Side: Part 7

Remember, Audition is not only about your reading. How you Enter and Exit the room reflects your professionalism.

Last weekend, I ran a two days session to tape the rest of the Day Player roles for the film Dream Brother. Since the production is already in progress, we are given very little time to cast the rest of the roles.

Those of you who knows me - I do marathon sessions. I hardly ever schedule lunch break for myself. An additional hour meant the actors have more opportunity to audition for the project. So I usually schedule my session back-to-back.

The sessions were pretty smooth last weekend - no one had to wait longer than 5 minutes. I was on-time, no delays, and even had a little time to chat with the talents, to learn more about them.

For day player roles, I personally would ask the talents do their reading at least 3 times differently, so I will get enough idea on the talent's range and ability to take directions. First read is usually based on their instinct, and then from there, I will suggest 2 other approaches.

In the afternoon, I had this one actress who came it to do a 2-lines day player role.

She arrived the location a bit early, so I asked her to wait outside and let the talent who signed in before her to read first.


Then it was her turn. she came in, gave me a headshot & resume, jump in front of the camera. After I gave her a brief info regarding the film, and the scene. She went ahead and did her reading. And of course, we did two additional reads for coverage. As soon as I said "Okay. You're done." She turned her body, dash out of the room, and slammed the door closed.


I stood there and blinked my eyes.

My assistant Kristen looked back at me, with a "WTF just happened?" expression on her face.

I asked: "Did I say something wrong?"

Kristen: "Nope."

I looked at my watch, and it was 2:23pm. Then I checked my appointment sheet, she was scheduled at 2:20pm.

Wayne: "And I'm on time as well."

Kristen: "Yep."

Wayne: "If she came super early, and felt she had to waited a long time... It was her choice after all."

Kristen: "Exactly."

Wayne: "Okie Dokie"

And I moved along and call the next talent in.

So last night I was on the phone with Kristen, she was just checking to see if I have done editing all the audition videos. (Which, nope, but I finished all the bigger parts and forwarded the link to the Director & Producer) She brought up the scenario and wondered if I would do anything differently, or at least, confront the talent.

I replied: "No. Our goal is to keep the session running so one one has to wait. I deal with the issues afterward."

Kristen: "How?"

Wayne: "Remember, our job is not only to find the more suitable talents for the role; we are also looking for team players. People who are professional, and will not cause any trouble on the set."

Kristen: "So are you going to show her video?"

Wayne: "Would you?"

Kristen: "Nope. She was very rude."

Wayne: "Exactly. Her footage is in the recycle bin."

Actors, doesn't matter if you have an urgent matter to attend, or had a horrible day. We don't know what is happening with your life, and we don't need to know. Your audition start at the moment you step into the room. Aside from your ability to interpreted the material, we are also trying to get an idea how you are as a person, your interaction with us, and behavīor in a professional environment.

Leave the drama outside of the room. We have excellent "DIVA-Detector."

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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September 11, 2007