Wayne Chang
演员, 选角导演
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"Play" Columbia University MFA short film seeking Child Actors (NY)


Columbia University Student Film

Seeking SAG and Non-SAG talents

Compensation: Credit and Copy

Audition: November 13, 20, and 27.

Production Dates: December 18 and 19 (Saturday and Sunday)

Location: Columbia University and West Harlem area (New York)

Min a 11 year old Asian boy, a recent immigrant to America looking for friends on his first day of school in Harlem NY. Unable to speak English to communicate he is immediately bullied by local neighborhood kids. Min is rescued by Kahn, an older Asian boy who speaks the same native language. The unlikely friendship with Kahn will teach Min a lesson of survival he will never forget.

Send headshot & resume to: wccasting@gmail.com

If submitting for the character Min or Kahn, please specify the native language spoken.


[MIN] 10-13 year old boy, Asian. Must speak fluent native language.

[KAHN] 15-20 years old boy, Asian Must speak fluent English and native language.

[TREY] 15-20 years old boy, African American or Latin American ethnicity

We are also looking for at least 5 other boys 15-20 all ethnicity in supporting and extra roles. We will be reviewing all the submissions and the casting call will be on invite only basis. Please see director's recent works at www.johnnymaktubfilms.com

哥倫比亞大學學生影片正在尋找亞裔男童演員年齡10至16歲. 我們道歉我們不能提供金錢. 但提供影片拷貝, 車費和食物,我們計劃在12月18和19日在紐約拍攝. 如果您有興趣,請寄圖照片和聯絡信息: wccasting@gmail.com

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english, mandarin
New York City, United States
September 11, 2007