Wayne Chang
演员, 选角导演
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Steeling Paradise

So last Friday I managed to attend my friend Xia's performance. Despite the fact that I was having acid reflux and Lactose Intolerant issues, I showed up this time.

( Is it me, or whenever there's an event, I'm always sick on that day? I think I'm cursed)

I was totally thrilled and suprirsed to see Xia and her bandmates performing. 'Steeling Paradise' kicked major a$$. I seriously would love to see more of their performance... And possible, on MTV2/FUSE some day.

Now comes my constructive observation. - Over all, the band definately has the quality and mad skills to be on top of the games. But from an Actor's point of view, there are a lot can be done in terms of "Performance." - First of all, the lead singer ( Xia) was placed too close to her bands... That the background music over-shadowed her unique voice. Second, perhaps it was first time that Xia performs to public, that she seems some what reserved. Her hands never left the microphone (which was placed on the mic-stands) 95% of the time. There are only a certain part where she looked at Linda and sang the song to her. (Which was good. Making connection with the audience) - but other times, she was really into her world. That's not a bad thing at all, it helps in bringing emotions out of the lyrics, but I felt there was an invisible wall between the band and the audience. I felt she could use more of her hands, or stomp her foot... Or even move more with her body. Even though the "Music" is the main focus here, but the artist really needs to sell it.

Steeling Paradise is a new band, so I'm sure with more performances, they will gain the experience and sharpen their craft to become the next big thing.

Now, let's talk about me. ( Yeah. It's all about me me me me me and me!)

Remember that I mention something about Voice Over thingy for training CD-Rom? Well, the studio emailed, and they got 3 more scrīpts for me. This time, the scrīpts are more technical and longer.... I'm not sure how I will be able to finish them in 3 nights. (Considering the fact that they are written in Simplified Chinese, instead of Traditional - that I'm having a lot of problem reading them)

Aside from the 2 recording sessions scheduled for this week, I've also got offered a supporting role in an indie film. The thing is, I have no idea what the name, or the production is like for this flick. I must have submitted my headshot and resume to them a WHILE back... Anyway, the filming is this Thursday night, and I have a monologue to do... And that should be it... I think - Oh, I get to protrait some Frenzied Guy.

It should be fun.

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english, mandarin
New York City, United States
September 11, 2007