Wayne Chang
演员, 选角导演
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Surprise! Shanghai Surprise!!

I had the pleasure of auditioning for a student film "Shanghai Surprise!" last week, and was offered the role. Very Cool indeed. Especially the material - It's rather refreshing and 'cute.'

I haven't done any light-hearted romantic/comedy stuff for a very long time.

One thing about auditioning - it is that we as actors, must take direction well. Sometimes, the casting direction would ask you to re-do a reading differently. If not, it is important that you do ask the casting director for any adjustments or changes. Creating opportunity for yourself, and to showcase your range.

At the rehearsal (Just me and the Lead Man. Other casts couldn't make it the rehearsal due to conflict) - when I scan down the name of the casts, I saw a familiar name. Chiasu. Who knew, we get to play Husband and Wife again on film. But this time, should be a different experience. Since the two characters are the comic relief of the film. It will be fun.

Aside from Chiasu, my friend Aaron will also be working as a featured extra in the film.

Since we've already known each other, there's definately chemistry between us. I sure hope that we can use that chemistry and spark up the film. (And steal the scene from the leads. muahahahaha)

We will start filming some montage scene tonight @ Chinatown. And the rest of my scene will be shot this Saturday.

**Other Projects**

1) Well, I'm booked as a feature on a untitled indie comedy. The filming takes place on the last day of this month.

Other than that, I'm not booked for anything in September. Oh my gosh! I have lost my charms!

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english, mandarin
New York City, United States
September 11, 2007