Official Artist
WhyOceans Macau
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台 灣春吶演出回來後一直很忙。首先是租用了差不多七年的練習室終於租約期滿要遷移,這陣子就是走遍澳門尋找環境適合價錢又要相宜的地方,總算找到了然後就是 一連串裝修設計討論及報價;再來就是積極準備五月舉行的迷笛音樂節演出;還有就是計劃印刷樂隊tee的事情。充實的日子,大家加油!

After back from Taiwan SpringScream Festival, the band has been busy in moving the band room and renovat ions due to the 7-years-contract ends of the current room. The band is also working hard in preparing the MIDI Festival in coming May. Moreover, we're also starting a little project for the band's upcoming tee. Photo: 台灣春吶演出回來後一直很忙。首先是租用了差不多七年的練習室終於租約期滿要遷移,這陣子就是走遍澳門尋找環境適合價錢又要相宜的地方,總算找到了然後就是一連串裝修設計討論及報價;再來就是積極準備五月舉行的迷笛音樂節演出;還有就是計劃印刷樂隊tee的事情。充實的日子,大家加油!
After back from Taiwan SpringScream Festival, the band has been busy in moving the band room and renovations due to the 7-years-contract ends of the current room. The band is also working hard in preparing the MIDI Festival in coming May. Moreover, we're also starting a little project for the band's upcoming tee.

about 11 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Buy WhyOceans album 《At Land》 online: http://www.whitenoiserecords.org/archives/13019 《At Land》 is also available at: Hidden Agenda (Kwun Tong) White Nois

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
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Member Since
July 28, 2009