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WhyOceans Macau
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WhyOceans TEE !!!!

WhyOceans 的Tee終於出來了!2013年我們跟設計師Yunni合作了一個名為「YNWO」的計劃,以Yunni的細膩畫風融合樂隊的音樂概念,創作出屬於樂隊的 第一件Tee。由於生產時間倉猝,首批Tee我們只好先在5月17-19日的深圳迷笛音樂節作首賣,往後回來會再安排其他購買途徑。首批Tee暫有三種顏 色選擇,稍後將再作介紹,敬請期待!

WhyOceans Tee is here ! 2013 we have started a project "YNWO" with our designer, Yunni. We finally come out the band's first tee, mixing with both styles of Yunni and WhyOceans. The first batch tee will be selling at Shenzhen MIDI Festival on 17-19 May. We will arrange for Macau friends later on very soon. Please stay tuned for more upcoming news (tee colors and how to buy). ![Photo: WhyOceans的Tee終於出來了!2013年我們跟設計師Yunni合作了一個名為「YNWO」的計劃,以Yunni的細膩畫風融合樂隊的音樂概念,創作出屬於樂隊的第一件Tee。由於生產時間倉猝,首批Tee我們只好先在5月17-19日的深圳迷笛音樂節作首賣,往後回來會再安排其他購買途徑。首批Tee暫有三種顏色選擇,稍後將再作介紹,敬請期待!

WhyOceans Tee is here ! 2013 we have started a project "YNWO" with our designer, Yunni. We finally come out the band's first tee, mixing with both styles of Yunni and WhyOceans. The first batch tee will be selling at Shenzhen MIDI Festival on 17-19 May. We will arrange for Macau friends later on very soon. Please stay tuned for more upcoming news (tee colors and how to buy)](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/946622_10152841893910093_1232872584_n.jpg)

about 11 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Buy WhyOceans album 《At Land》 online: http://www.whitenoiserecords.org/archives/13019 《At Land》 is also available at: Hidden Agenda (Kwun Tong) White Nois

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
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Member Since
July 28, 2009