The October 17th launch party for the new Flagship Esprit store on Peking Road in Tsim Sha Tsui is coming up fast! The Esprit team wants to get the word out, so please let all your friends know.
In addition to an awesome line-up of artists (at17, Chet Lam, Jun Kung, Terence Yin and Helen To.
The two bands who will be performing on Saturday at the Flagship store event are Gong Wu and WhyOceans.
WhyOceans will be one of the featuring band for Thee Out Mods Asia Tour.
Date: 08-Oct-2009
Time: 8:45 pm
Location: Live Music Association (LMA)
Address: **Av. do Coronel Mesquita, Nos 48 -48D, Edf. Ind. Man Kei, 10B, Macau
Featuring bands: WhyOceans / Scamper / L.A.V.Y / Vibration** Read more
HUSH!! Full Band馬拉松搖滾音樂祭2009|澳門文化中心主辦
WhyOceans playing song "After Party" in Macau Hush Full Band 2009.
由 澳門文化中心主辦、澳門音樂力量製作、澳門可口可樂飲料有限公司支持的年度搖滾音樂盛會《HUSH!! Full Band馬拉松搖滾音樂祭2009》今年已是連續第五年舉辦,成為本地樂迷每年引頸以待的熱烈派對。來自東南亞地區及本澳搖滾勁旅正在磨拳擦掌,準備與大 家一起吶喊,共渡狂歡周末!
本著推動原創、帶動...Read more
時間:2009年9月11、12、13日(...Read more
4月的某個晩上,筆者前往“高等校際學院”禮堂欣賞“After Silence默片現場配樂音樂會”。一場澳門罕見的、默片電影(Silence Film)配合後搖滾音樂(Post-Rock)的現場演出。
這晩的安排有點特別。因為配樂音樂會後,緊接會有“Macau Underground V”搖滾音樂會的演出。“後搖滾”和“搖滾”竟然可以一起演出?後來和主辦活動的朋友...Read more
Festival de música realiza-se amanhã em Hong Kong com nove bandas Macau toca em “Flash” Duas bandas de Macau – os Whyoceans e os Evade – vão participar amanhã no festival de música “ Hong Kong Flash ”. O evento tem lugar em Sheung Wan com os primeiros acordes a soarem às 21h00.
Há de tudo um pouco: experimental, acústico,...Read more
Macau's Underground Music Scene
澳 門 Hush 搖 滾 音 樂 祭 jam 足 九 個 鐘
今 個 中 秋 , 澳 門 的 藝 術 廣 場 band 聲四 起 , rock 聲 震 天 , 12 隊 澳 門 indie band 新 勢 力 誓 要 用 音 樂 表 現 自 己 , 更 有 來自 五 湖 四 海 的 hard core band 友 力 撐 , 高 呼 澳 門 有 豬 扒 包 、 有 賭 場 , 更 有 好 band 好 音 樂 。 馬 拉 松 式 9 小 時 的 「 We will rock you ! 」
記 者 ...Read more
Bandas de Macau e do exterior actuam no “HUSH Maratona de rock” “Tentem ouvir antes de julgar”
Domingo, a partir das 13 horas, Macau vai poder assistir a uma autêntica maratona de música rock com mais de uma dezena de bandas a actuarem durante nove horas. O “festival” chama-se “HUSH” e promete fazer pular a juventude. Em entrevista, o Hoje Macau ...Read more
Buy WhyOceans album 《At Land》 online: 《At Land》 is also available at: Hidden Agenda (Kwun Tong) White Nois