演员, 模特儿
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This is my first blog entry for the year 2009.

Sure, it may have come a little late but I've still gotta say "Happy New Year" to everyone!!

The reason why I haven't blogged in a while is not because I've been slacking off.

It's only because...I've been busy with moving in to the new place as we step into 2009.

I've only just set up the internet service just a couple of days ago.

Many of my friends couldn't help but stay idle as soon as they heard that I've moved into a new place.

Everything just seemed so rushed..

That's right...it's so rushed that I was barely able to handle it!!

My new home is also located in the Sai Kung area.  I love the environment here.  It's away from the city and there's a clear view of the sea and some mountains.

My dogs love the patio area most.

Everything has been set up at home.

Now I can concentrate on the new movie being prepped on the 24th.

The shooting for this movie is somewhat pressuring for me.

This is all because I have to try something different this time around.

I've been so dead quiet for the last few days.

So don't worry about me, everybody!

I'm just doing prep work for next role!!|

這篇日誌是雲妮小妹2009年的第一篇 ..

雖然是遲了 .. 但仍向大家補說句 Happy new year !!

一直沒更新日誌 .. 不是我偷懶呢 ..

只是 .. 踏入09年 .. 我就忙著搬新居之事 ..

前兩天才安裝妥上網服務 ..

很多朋友聽到我搬新居也不禁呆一呆 ..

一切也是來得很急切 ..

沒錯 .. 急得連自己也差點應付不來啊 !!

新居也是位於西貢區 , 喜歡這裏的環境 , 遠離城市 , 境觀是海和山  ..

露台更是小狗們最愛的地方 ..

家裡的一切已拾妥好了 ..

現在可以尊心地去準備24號開拍新電影的事宜 ..

這次拍攝 .. 對我來說是頗為有壓力 ..

皆因 .. 我要作不同的改變, 嘗試 ..

這幾天人變得沉靜了 ..

各位好友不用為我憂心 ..

我只是為角色作點事前準備啊 !!| 这篇日志是云妮小妹2009年的第一篇 .. 虽然是迟了 .. 但仍向大家补说句 Happy new year !! 一直没更新日志 .. 不是我偷懒呢 .. 只是 .. 踏入09年 .. 我就忙着搬新居之事 .. 前两天才安装妥上网服务 .. 很多朋友听到我搬新居也不禁呆一呆 .. 一切也是来得很急切 .. 没错 .. 急得连自己也差点应付不来啊 !! 新居也是位于西贡区 , 喜欢这里的环境 , 远离城市 , 境观是海和山  .. 露台更是小狗们最爱的地方 .. 家裡的一切已拾妥好了 .. 现在可以尊心地去准备24号开拍新电影的事宜 .. 这次拍摄 .. 对我来说是颇为有压力 .. 皆因 .. 我要作不同的改变, 尝试 .. 这几天人变得沉静了 .. 各位好友不用为我忧心 .. 我只是为角色作点事前准备啊 !!

15 年多 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice set up!
15 年多 ago
hey Janechu ... bear bear is AndyLau x McDonald's.. i love it ... 是我弟弟送給我的小禮物 ... haha
15 年多 ago
Hey Gary .. 我部電視是32吋 .. 勁愛它 ... wakaka .. 因為很少机身是 white colour ..
15 年多 ago
Palwong 45 palwong
15 年多 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007