昨日黄昏 .. 掛上黄雨 ..
約了一大班朋友到我家吃大閘蟹宴 ..
點知 .... 返抵家中時 ~~
客廳水浸呀 ~~~~~~~~~~
眾人齊齊幫手拖地 ..
thx all of u ... 感激 !!
~~~ 特別介紹 ...
~~~ 廚神 DOr DOr .. ~~~
It was pouring rain last night. So I've gathered a big group of friends for some crab at home. Who'd figured that as soon as I came home, the living room was flooded with water. So everyone helped out to mop the floor.
thx all of you ... I'm grateful for this!!
Special introduction
DOr DOr...